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我们现在必须采取行动以防灾难。We must act now to forestall disaster.

我抢先离开了这房间以免牵累。I left the room to forestall involvements.

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这些是预先阻止金融危机的,国际化努力。These are all international efforts to forestall a financial crisis.

为了抵御天气的消极影响,我们正试图往更南的方向航行。To forestall the negative effects, we are trying to go farther south.

垄断资本主义的生产和流通都是计划化的。The production of forestall capitalism and current the plan is changed.

我认为,这其中行政垄断是主要矛盾。I think, this among them administrative forestall is main contradiction.

美国可以无需进行伤筋动骨的改革,因为它手中握有美元这一利器。The U.S. has been able to forestall deep reforms because it has the dollar.

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咱们在抱怨鄙视百度垄断行为的同时,为什么不加以利用他们呢。We are complaining distain Baidu forestall behavior while, why to try to use them.

接着,我们需要预防岗哨通过电脑检查我们的证件。Then we need to forestall the sentry from checking our cards through their computer.

他说自己为了避免作品遭禁,曾经“试图替审查官删节自己的作品”。Yan has said that he "attempted to forestall a ban by doing the censors" work for them.

任何我能想到的会是我成年生命开始的活动我都应该去参加。I needed to engage in any activity I could imagine that would forestall the beginning of adult life.

目前发现的新资源,只够递补我们消耗的磷矿,但阻止不了磷矿耗尽。Meanwhile new discoveries are likely just to forestall the depletion of reserves, not to prevent it.

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了解披衣菌如何生长及避开溶小体,将可能提供预防或阻挡感染的新方法。Understanding how the bacteria grow and avoid lysosomes might suggest new ways to forestall or halt the infection.

随着市场经济的发展,水泥工业已形成垄断竞争性的市场结构。As the development of market economy, cement industry already formed the market structure with emulative forestall.

为了让电影史上的乔治华莱士或者罗斯佩罗特获得成功,学院改变了它的投票机制。To forestall a victory for some cinematic George Wallace or Ross Perot, the Academy switched to a different system.

为预防房地产泡沫,他们也必须适时地调整商业和住宅抵押贷款的贷款价值比。They must also vary the loan-to-value ratio on commercial and residential mortgages to forestall real estate bubbles.

您最新一项令人惊奇的发现就是双语能力有助于推迟老年痴呆症。Q. One of your most startling recent findings is that bilingualism helps forestall the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

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美国部分人士认为是日本主战派抢在天皇答复之前发动了突然袭击。Some quarters in the United States think that the Japanese militants attacked suddenly to forestall the Emperor's reply.

它可以防止衰老,因此我们可以保持更健康、更持久的状态,或者可以说可以活得更久。And that enables us to forestall diseases of aging so we can stay healthier, longer, and perhaps to actually live longer.

目前的问题是,取得多少进展才足以阻止人们开始要求采取其它措施。The question will be how much progress is enough to forestall other measures that people will inevitably start calling for.