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结论纳络酮可以提高心肺脑复苏的抢救成功率。Conclusion naloxone can improve the success rate of CPR.

本发明涉及一种稳定的纳洛酮粉针剂。The present invention relates to a stable naloxone powder injection.

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大剂量静脉推注纳络酮十分安全。Intravenous large doses naloxone is safety in the course of treatment.

纳洛酮具有逆转吗啡降低PCNA表达的作用。Furthermore, the down-regulation of morphine on PCNA was reversed by naloxone.

目的评价纳络酮治疗肝硬化肝性脑病的疗效。Objective To assess the curative effect of hepatic cerebropathy with naloxone.

早期、剂量、脉注射是应用盐酸纳洛酮治疗的关键。The key of naloxone therapy is early large dose naloxone intravenous injection.

故用于创伤性休克的治疗,TRH比纳洛酮更合适。So TRH would be a better choice than naloxone in the treatment of traumatic shock.

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吗啡的小肠兴奋作用可被纳洛酮或阿托品阻断。Naloxone and atropine antagonized the effect of morphine on isolated small intestine.

早期应用纳洛酮可以显著降低S-100B血浆含量,起到良好的治疗效果。Naloxone take effects by deceasing the levels of S-100B in plasma in patients with TBI.

目的观察纳络酮对一氧化碳中毒的治疗效果。Objective To observe the treatment effects of Naloxone in the patients of CO poisoning.

目的总结纳洛酮治疗急性乙醇中毒的疗效和经验。Objective To observe the effectiveness of naloxone treatment for acute alcohol toxicosis.

目的探讨纳洛酮对急性非外伤性脊髓损伤的治疗作用。Objective To investigate the effects of naloxone on acute non traumatic spinal cord injury.

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股静脉注射纳洛酮使高二氧化碳通气反应增强。Ventilation response to hypercapnia was enhanced by injection of naloxone into femoral vein.

华金斯利用大鼠实验证明,纳洛酮可治疗神经病理性疼痛。Watkins has demonstrated in rats that naloxone can reverse fully developed neuropathic pain.

目的观察纳洛酮与氨茶碱联合治疗早产儿呼吸暂停的临床疗效。Objective To explore the efficiency of naloxone plus aminophylline on treating premature apnea.

治疗组在常规猝死复苏的基础上加用盐酸纳络酮。The treatment group was treated with routine resuscitation therapy plus naloxone hydrochloride.

为探讨纳洛酮对急性酒精中毒小鼠总抗氧化能力T-AOC的影响。To explore the influence of Naloxone Hydrochloride injection on T-AOC in acute alcoholism rats.

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结论纳洛酮联合氨茶碱治疗早产儿原发性呼吸暂停疗效显著。Conclusion Naloxone plus aminophylline in treating primary apnea of premature is obviously effective.

结论依达拉奉联合纳洛酮治疗急性脑梗死疗效确切,安全性高。Conclusion Edaravone combined with naloxone are safe and effective in treating acute brain infarction.

目的建立以凝胶法检查盐酸纳洛酮注射液细菌内毒素的方法。OBJECTIVE To establish a method for assaying bacterial endotoxins in naloxone hydrochloride injection.