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玩许多迷你游戏。Play many mini games.

是个小型的自行车打气筒。It's mini bicycle pump.

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谁需要微型空气净化器呢?。Who needs Novus Air Mini?

4个迷你派模涂上一层奶油。Butter 4 mini tartlet molds.

这是一个袖珍型核子的冬季。It was a mini nuclear winter.

这是我的小灵通号码。This is my mini smart number.

对此“小戏剧”有何评论吗?Any comments on this mini drama?

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这棵凤凰树小小一株,很可爱吧。This is the mini one, very cute.

你也可以作成小型的菜肉陷煎蛋饼。You can make mini frittata, too.

全加在所有的地图迷你地图。Full Added Mini Maps in all maps.

她们穿着背心和超短裙。They wear singlet and mini skirt.

阳光明媚的里昂在她的迷你裙!猫叫!Sunny Leone in her mini skirt! Miaow!

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迷你伦敦巴士饼乾盒。A mini London routemaster biscuit tin.

飞天宇航服就象一个微型宇航器。The Feitian is like a mini space ship.

这份食谱将会教你如何制作12只迷你小泡芙。The recipe will make 12 mini popovers.

这些生产者是棘手的小鬼子。Those producers are tricky mini devils.

但它们都不如“袖珍推土机”那么结实。They're not as sturdy as the Mini Dozer.

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她穿了一件露背装还有迷你裙。She wore a backless top and a mini skirt.

研制了一种微型橡胶同步带。A mini synchronous belt has been developed.

保险盒,玩具钟,微型风扇,记时器。Safe boxes, fancy clock, mini fans, timers.