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这样的局面就是在短期内也无法维持。The situation is untenable even in the short term.

然而中期选举的局势让他高位难守。But the mid-term election made his position untenable.

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批评者则说,食物供给可能有毒的风险防不胜防。Critics say the risk of a potentially toxic food supply is untenable.

但无论从理论上还是实践上,此种观点都是站不住脚的。No matter from the theory or the practice , the kind of view is untenable.

其理论是融贯的,奎因对模态逻辑的批评是不成立的。His theory is consistent and Quine's criticism of modal logic is untenable.

这些学者的研究表明那个旧学说是站不住脚的。The researches of these scholars have shown that the old theory is untenable.

以前对中国离婚率降低的评释是合座站不住脚的。Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable.

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反驳是确定某一论证的论题虚假或其论证不能成立的思维过程。Refuting is a thinking course to confirm a thesis false or reasonings untenable.

他表示,偏见和谎言站不住脚,冷战思维不得人心。Prejudice and lies are untenable and the Cold War mentality has no popular support.

然而正如芬斯特所写,多种因素的存在使得该理论难以站住脚。Yet, as Fenster notes, a wide variety of factors exist that make this theory untenable.

鉴于科学家对气候变化的预期,这种旁观者的姿态实在难以自圆其说。In light of what scientists expect of climate change, that sideline stance is untenable.

劳文豪普特和他的士兵们进行了猛烈的抵抗,但是他们的位置易攻难守。Löwenhaupt and his soldiers put up a fierce resistance but their position was untenable.

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但是,对于企业关键的功能,由于非性能原因突然舍弃是站不住脚的。But for business-critical functions, abrupt abandonment for non-performance is untenable.

为了报复某镇官员合谋,使他的位置上格拉洛斯站不住脚的。In retaliation certain town officials conspired to make his position at Glarus untenable.

但在如此厚的表面冰层上凿洞似乎是不可能的。But punching holes through the moon's thick, icy outer layers has always seemed untenable.

伊斯兰作用于公共生活的关键是伊斯兰教法及其加诸于穆斯林身上的不合理要求。Key to Islam's role in public life is Sharia and the many untenable demands it makes on Muslims.

蒋之所以死守无法保住的阵地,这些人的支持可能就是原因之一。The support of these men may have been a factor in making Chiang hold on to an untenable position.

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总的来说,国家再也不用在由纳税人买单还是市场混乱之间难以做出抉择。In sum, the nation would no longer have to make the untenable choice between taxpayer bailouts and market chaos.

中国股市的重挫也在政治意义上排除了出台政策鼓励资本外流的可能性。The plunge in China's stockmarket has made any policy that would encourage capital outflows politically untenable.

中国股票市场的暴跌使任何鼓励资本流出的措施不具政治上的可行性。The plunge in China’s stockmarket has made any policy that would encourage capital outflows politically untenable.