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这周已开始将海地人强制遣送回国。Involuntary repatriation of Haitians began this week.

从这层意义而言,归还是正义的表达。In this sense repatriation is an expression of justice.

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我想见使馆官员,我想遣返回国。I want to talk to our embassy officers. I need repatriation.

这种法律要求是多数归还请求的依据。This legal claim is the basis for most repatriation requests.

港口有拖轮拖曳,无排污,有遣返设施。Tugboat towing ports, no sewage, there is repatriation facilities.

新的立法还可以提供其他归还理由。New legislation can afford additional justifications for repatriation.

不少越南船民抗议遣返原地。A number of vietnamese boat people staged a protest against repatriation.

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他说,移民可以要求收容或者接受自愿遣送回国。He says the migrants can request asylum or accept voluntary repatriation.

一些孩子出生在美国,但他们选择遣送回国。The kids of the 10 Russian spies, some born in the US, opted for repatriation.

因此,文物归还要求通常具有有力的法律依据。A request for repatriation of an artifact thus usually has a strong legal basis.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,这个自愿遣返项目一直很成功。The UN refugee agency says the voluntary repatriation program has been a huge success.

这些公司也会提供使馆签证费、国定假日以及合同到期时的额外红利。They also cover visa fees, paid national holidays and an end of contract repatriation bonus.

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卡尔德罗尼说遣返回国规则的发展将影响股息的大小。Calderoni said that developments in repatriation rules would affect the size of the dividend.

目前我国外汇储备没有大规模调回并结汇的需要。Currently no large-scale repatriation of foreign exchange reserves and foreign exchange needs.

各成员国应为停靠在其港口或通过其领水或内水的船舶上工作的海员的遣返提供便利。In particular, a Member shall not refuse the right of repatriation to any seafarer because of.

2010年挪威遣返非法移民约4400人,其中包括140名伊拉克人。The repatriation of illegal immigrants in 2010, Norway about 4400 people, including 140 Iraqis.

日圆在初步下跌后回升,受灾后投资汇回的预期带动.The yen also rose after an initial fall on the prospects of post-quake investment repatriation.

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麦凯恩有经验的酷刑事件,并拒绝了乱序尽早遣返提供。McCain experienced episodes of torture, and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer.

他们不作让步的就是战俘遣返问题,而这是正确的。Where they made no concessions, and rightly, was on the matter of the repatriation of prisoners.

帕格尼丝强调,难民希望返回家园的迫切愿望使难民遣返行动得以开展。Pagonis stresses it is the refugees' desire to go home which is driving the repatriation operation.