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让我们再学一遍第十五课。Let's restudy Lesson Fifteen.

经最近的工作又新发现了7种铋硫盐。The restudy reveals 7 new bismuth salt minerals ie.

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这个问题很复杂,我们得重新研究一下。This problem is very complicated,we have to restudy it.

这个问题很复杂,我们得重新研究一下。This problem is very complicated, we have to restudy it.

在150周年的伟大的科学家,我们必须再他。In the 150th Birth Anniversary of the great Scientist we have to restudy him.

由于油藏模型的细化以及参数的重新核查使得储量计算更为精确。Because of building model in detail and restudy of the parameter, the result is more accurate.

本文通过对手绘的分析与探讨,让我们重新认识到设计的本质到底是什么。This article let us restudy what is the essence of designing by analyzing and discussing hand-drawing.

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在之后的实验中,一部分学习者对所学内容进行测试,然后在再次测试前重新学习。Some of the learners took tests on the information and then got to restudy the material before being tested again.

这种方法通常包括系统的学习安排、自我评估和一段时间后的复习。This approach always includes a disciplined program of study, self-evaluation, and restudy over a period of months.

基于以上原因,本文通过对两种理论的回顾上,从风险的角度对两种理论进行融合,用一种新的角度来分析企业边界。So on basis of reviewing two theories, we join two theories from risk view and restudy the firm boundaries form new angle.

外部环境的变化导致了重新研究纺织工业中采购过程组织的必要性。The change of external environment leads to the essential restudy of purchases process organization in textile industries.

但我们的历史教科书并没有给我们一个非常平衡而全面的解释,这也是为什么我们需要对历史进行重新研究的原因所在。Our history books have not provided very balanced and comprehensive interpretations. That's why I think we should restudy history.

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对谭谈长篇小说的再考察,在研究新中国一代作家的成长时具有一定的普遍意义。It is of universal and current significance for studying the growth of the new generation of Chinese writer to restudy Tan Tan's novels.

由于该模型具有再学习能力,所以在应用过程中,可以用新的观测资料对模型进行不断地学习训练,以提高模型的精度。Due to the model has restudy ability, it can continuously renov ate and perfect by new observation data in the application to advance precision.

因此,我们今天在全球文化交汇融合的时代背景下重新审视陆九渊与佛学的关系就显得尤为重要。Therefore, we restudy the relation of Lujiuyuan with Buddhism seem to be particular importance at the background of world culture syncretism today.

用严格的方法重新详细的讨论了半自旋粒子在旋转磁场中波函数的演化并求解了非绝热几何相。Using a rigorous method of solution, we generally restudy the evolution of spin states in rotational magnetic fields and obtain its geometric phase.

该认识对于深入研究和评价东营凹陷乃至整个中国东部陆相断陷盆地烃源岩具有重要意义。This conclusion is of great importance to Dongying Depression and the other terrestrial rift basins in East China in restudy and evaluation of hydrocarbon source rocks.

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为弥补我国专利法这方面的不足,对该原则进行重新研究成为必要,对专利法条文的修改也日益紧迫。In order to make up the flaw on the legislation of the patent law in China, it is essential to restudy the principle and to take a revision to the articles of patent law.

目前,共享计算机系统的安全问题仍然是计算机科学的中心问题之一,研究这些经典模型,对于我们全面理解计算机系统的安全问题,展望未来发展方向,具有重要意义。Since security is one of the central problems in computer science, the restudy of these typical models are very important for us to seize the essentials of computer security.

但我们的历史教科书并没有给我们一个非常平衡而全面的解释,这也是为什么我们需要对历史进行重新研究的原因所在。it had a lot to do with China's own problems. Our history books have not provided very balanced and comprehensive interpretations. That's why I think we should restudy history.