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哪儿能买到折叠伞呢?Where do I go to buy a foldaway umbrella?

不妨试试这个折叠式划船机。Why don't you try this foldaway rowing machine?

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对于空间很小的地方,可折叠家具是个好的解决办法。Foldaway furniture is the answer where space is at a premium.

四个前双开门箱和一个折叠台面板可以组合成一个指挥桌,方便实用。Four double doors cases and one foldaway tabletop can be assembled into a desk.

厂商制造更多可摺叠又轻便的单车,以便人们到处携带。The manufacturers are making more foldaway and feather weight bikes for people to carry around.

特殊的工艺,要求便捷使用、简单折叠及方便储存的特性。This technology allows for easy set-up, simple foldaway and convenient storage and portability.

本文总共分析二种车型,分为一般式车架及摺叠式车架两大类。This article analyzes two kinds of bicycle types, means the foldaway frame and the common frame.

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如果你真的不喜欢固定翼,奥迪也让您选择更谨慎的折叠版本。If you really don't like the fixed wing, Audi also gives you the option for a more discreet foldaway version.

该产品既可以平行吊运,又可将工件翻转90度吊运,手柄折叠,安全可靠。This product can hoist in parallel or turning workpieces in 90 degrees. It is safe and reliable with foldaway handle.

这一排房间的末端是为客人准备的工作室,可以由大厅中一个可折叠的梯子到达。The last room in the row belongs to a studio for possible guests, accessible from the lobby via a foldaway loft ladder.

频频拍出惊人高价,但拍卖现场看起来更像是一场旧货大甩卖——各种物品杂乱地摊放在酒店提供的折叠桌子上。The prices were glitzy, but the display looked more like a garage sale as items sat propped against foldaway hotel tables.

使用时不用定柱、不用拉网绳。具有可折叠、重量轻、便携带、应用场所不受限制、使用操作简单等优点。No need to fix the post and no need to pull the net rope with the merits of foldaway , light weight, portable, no using place limited and use simply and so on.