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在驼峰段刹车。Brakes on a gravity hump.

现在我还在这儿,韩福。And yet I am all here, Hump.

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他是个戴假发的驼背。He has a hump and a hairpiece.

亲爱的,摸摸我的驼背,就会获得幸运!Touch my hump for luck, dears!

圆形的隆起或突起。A rounded hump or protuberance.

得到你爱醉离开我的驼峰。Get you love drunk off my hump.

得到你爱醉离开这个驼峰。Get you love drunk off this hump.

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他驼背?既驼背又戴假发?Does he have a hump and a hairpiece?

但他仍然不能碰到他第一个大满贯的边。But he still can't get over the hump.

好了,乔伊,嘴下留德。他驼背?既驼背又带假发?。So does he have a hump and a hairpiece?

快乐的汤克雷,从不曾看到自己的驼背。Happy Tom Crump, never sees his own hump.

他是驼背吗?一个戴假发的驼背?。So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?

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你觉得有什么办法度过这道坎?What do you guys need to do to get over that hump?

其一,这恰恰对应的是双驼峰形的学习曲线。First, the double hump nature of the learning curve.

驼背五少爷点着头说。The young man with a hump still said, nodding his head.

等越过了山顶,他让车自己往下溜。Once he was over the hump of the hill, he let the cycle glide.

这是一直非常出色的球队,可惜总是不能迈过最后的门槛。They were a very good team, but they couldn't get over the hump.

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车组溜放速度控制是驼峰自动化的重点和核心内容。The core of automated hump is to control the speed of a rolling car.

两个人便走上窄小的圆拱桥,到了对岸。The boys traversed a small hump -backed bridge to the opposite shore.

打住,乔伊,嘴下留德,他驼背,他是戴假发的驼子吗。All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?