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我将边浇油边烤这块肉。I'll baste the meat.

然后绷你,你不会得到强硬。Then baste you so you won't get tough.

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母亲在鸡肉上润以一大匙的油脂。Mother used a large spoon to baste the chicken.

如果你涂些冰激凌在上面会更美味。It will taste better if you baste ice cream on it.

不用盖上盖子,在350度的烤箱里烤上一个钟头,再涂上牛奶。Bake for 1 hour at 350 Uncover and baste again with milk.

我们只要抓住它,把握它,好好享受它。All we have to do is grab it, baste it, and scarf it down!

将小腿肉翻一下,烹调时在上面抹一两次油。Turn the shanks and baste them once or twice as they cook.

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用盐及胡椒调味,淋上一点橄榄油。Season with salt, pepper and baste with a little olive oil.

涂上腌料,放回烤箱中,然后再烤2分钟。Baste with marinade, return to oven, and broil 2 minutes more.

在乳猪皮上再次涂上牛油,焗15分钟。Now baste the skin with butter, and roast a further 15 minutes.

每次转换位置时,必须在整只鸭上涂满鸭身渗出的油脂。You must baste the duck with its own fat every time you turn the duck.

在乳猪上添加更多油脂,继续以高温烤焗10分钟。Baste the pig with more fat and continue to roast at high temperature for 10 minutes.

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了解如何绷在这个自由的工艺与专家视频剪辑拉链缝制技巧中心。Learn how to baste a center zipper with expert sewing tips in this free craft video clip.

了解如何针和绷在这个自由的工艺与专家视频剪辑拉链缝制技巧中心。Learn how to pin and baste a center zipper with expert sewing tips in this free craft video clip.

假缝要保存被关闭的口袋一针太紧,制造8-10针每一在关它和休假?。Baste stitch to keep the pocket closed is too tight, make 8-10 stitches per in to close it and leave ?

了解如何绷在这个免费的在线视频剪辑这个专家烹饪技巧慢炖鸡肉食谱。Learn how to baste this slow cooked chicken recipe with expert cooking tips in this free online video clip.

在煮的时候再涂多点酱油,其鲜甜味道便会渗透到鸡肉的里里外外。Then baste the chicken with more sauce while it’s cooking, so the salty-sweet glaze permeates the chicken from both inside and out.

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将鸡块翻个,把锅里的油浇在烤鸡上,把鸡放回烤炉然后,在烤12分钟。Turn the chicken over. Baste the chicken breast with the oil in the pan. Put the chicken back in the oven for a further 12 minutes.

但是早期的版本中,软弱的弹簧与人们经常加入的蜂蜜和烧烤酱发生堵塞。But early versions had problems with weak springs that would clog with the honey and barbecue sauce people used to baste their birds.

有关成分了解你需要绷在这个自由制作影片剪辑火鸡食谱烹饪技巧与专家土耳其。Learn about the ingredients you will need to baste a turkey with expert cooking tips for making turkey in this free video recipe clip.