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或者一个贼。Or a thief.

他一个字儿都没听见。He's a thief.

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那个小偷逃亡了。The thief bolted out.

既是小偷又是瘾君子!A thief and a pothead!

他们抓到了小偷。They cought the thief.

他们痛打了那个贼。They thumped the thief.

你的父亲是个小偷吗?Was your father a thief?

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警察抓住了小偷。The police got the thief.

没有一个贼踅回来。Not a single thief inside.

警察抓了一个小偷。The police caught a thief.

那窃贼用刀刺追赶他的人。The thief knifed his chaser.

那个盗窃犯站在被告席上。The thief stood in the dock.

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一次做贼,永远做贼。Once a thief, always a thief.

她被告发为贼。She was denounced as a thief.

狗把贼吓跑了。The dog scared the thief off.

那贼把我的表抢去了。The thief bore away my watch.

贼人最后被绞死了。The thief was hanged at last.

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它是一个侵入者亦是一个窃贼。It is an intruder and a thief.

彼得说,「就像绞架上的小偷那样!Like the thief on the gallows.

狗把贼吓跑了。The dog scared the thief away.