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喜鹊搭窝高,当年雨水涝。The magpies nest year high, waterlogging rain.

城市内涝在中国较为普遍。Urban waterlogging is relatively common in China.

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兰州百合鳞茎也有一定的耐涝能力。Lily bulbs were resistance waterlogging to a certain degree.

对有关植物涝害生理研究进展进行了综述。In this paper, the advance of plant waterlogging physiology was reviewed.

花后干旱和渍水均显著降低了小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质产量。Both drought and waterlogging stress reduced grain yield and protein yield.

反映旱与涝的主要指标是土壤含水率。The only standard to reflect drought or waterlogging is soil moisture rate.

金衢盆地的洪涝具有时间分形结构。The flood- waterlogging of Jinhua- Quzhou Basin has a time fractal structure.

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滨水植物耐水湿能力与栽培技术有关。The riparian plant's waterlogging resistance had a relation with cultivation skill.

对城市而言,无论是外洪还是内涝,产生的灾害后果都是一样的。The damages to an urban caused by either the flood or the waterlogging are the same.

通过致死性水淹胁迫处理,对青竹复叶槭叶片的部分生理指标进行了研究。By fatal waterlogging stress, the change of some physiological traits of Acer negundo L.

干旱和渍水下增施氮肥可以提高籽粒SSS、GBSS、GS和GPT活性。Nitrogen increased SSS, GBSS, GS and GPT activities under both drought and waterlogging.

较长时间的淹水可促进贮气根的数量增加和长度的增长。The number and length of aerating roots increased with the increase of waterlogging time.

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不育性稳定,一般配合力高,抗丝黑穗病、抗叶病、抗倒伏。The hybrid is resistant to head smut aphids, leaf disease, lodging, drought and waterlogging.

干旱处理提高直链淀粉积累速率和蛋白质含量,而渍水使其降低。Drought increased amylose accumulating rate and protein content while waterlogging reduced them.

霜冻、干旱、涝灾和风灾是造成玉米带产量年际波动的主要原因。Frost, drought, waterlogging and windstorm are the main factors which caused maize yield fluctuation.

坎儿井一般由暗道、明渠、竖井和涝坝四部分组织。Karez are generally illegal channels, open channel, shaft, and waterlogging dam four-part organization.

因此对采煤塌陷区的积水区域进行动态演变模拟分析也成为必然。Large-scale of coal mining subsidence area often forms seasonal waterlogging or perennial waterlogging.

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对城市排涝与排水问题进行了探讨,提出有关见解。The paper approaches to the urban waterlogging and drainage problem and puts forward the relevant view.

本文针对抚松县县城的防汛工作现状,以如何解决内涝等问题提出了合理化建议。This paper puts forward rationalizing construction about how to solve the issues such as waterlogging etc.

建设高标准的城市雨水系统,确保排水顺畅,防止发生内涝。Build a high-level urban rainwater drainage system to ensure impeded drainage and prevent from waterlogging.