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患侧在上,嘱患肢屈膝屈髋。Paretic in, enjoin limb knees hip flexor.

左侧向前压髋,做拉伸臀屈肌的练习。Push the right hip forward to stretch the flexor muscle.

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目的探索满足肌腱早期活动的缝合方法。Objective To discuss a good method of suture on flexor tendon.

使用泡沫辊髋屈肌和四芯做一次一条腿。Use a foam roll for hip flexor and quads doing one leg at a time.

皮瓣游离平面位于趾伸屈肌腱表面。The dissection level was on the surface of the flexor and extensor tendons.

前臂的尺动脉通过深入尺侧腕屈肌肌。In the forearm, the ulnar artery passed deep to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.

在汽车或桌子前一坐几个小时使你的股屈肌缩短变硬。Hours in the car or at a desk cause hip flexor muscles to shorten and stay tight.

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本发明的另一个方面是一种治疗屈肌腱损伤的方法。Another aspect of the invention is a method for treatment of flexor tendon injuries.

拇长屈肌或指深屈肌的副头有40例。There were 40 Gantzer's muscle of flexor digitorum profundus or flexor pollicis longus.

开发中的问题髋屈肌一直缺乏适当的运动。The problem in developing hip flexor strength has been the lack of appropriate exercises.

介绍拇长屈肌腱断裂的治疗方法。To introduce the methods of treatment of rupture of flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon.

目的探讨屈窝软组织肉瘤的治疗及预后。Objective To explore the treatment and prognosis of soft tissue sarcomas in flexor fossae.

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宁可委委屈屈地帮人打工,把你的资产双手拱让给了你的老板。Rather than flexor wronged to working people, put your hands GongRang assets to your boss.

作为一个跑步者,三项赛的需要让我们认识到臀大肌的重要性。As runners, triathletes need to recognize the importance of strengthening our hip flexor muscles.

研究了正常示指屈肌腱拉伸力学性质和模拟屈肌腱损伤后吻接术后屈肌腱的力学性质。Second, did imitate on the biomechanical properties of flexor injured after anastomosis with two modes.

目的评价透明质酸钠预防术后屈肌腱粘连的临床效果。OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of sodium hyaluronate on adhesion prevention after flexor tendon surgery.

以患儿前臂屈侧,婴幼儿亦可用背部皮肤进行点刺试验。We do the skin prick test on the flexor side of forearm, it also can be tested in the back skin for infant.

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桡侧腕屈肌腱在腕屈伸或尺桡偏时均显著增大。Moment arms of the flexor carpi radialis tendon showed a consistent increase during wrist motion. Conclusion?

目的探讨指屈肌腱缺损的修复与防止肌腱粘连的有效方法。Objective To explore the effective methods of repairing flexor tendon coloboma and preventing tendon adhesion.

卡拉泽由于右屈肌疲劳今日休息。诊断结果将于明日公布。Kaladze rested today due to a tiring of his right flexor. Tomorrow the entity of the problem will be evaluated.