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不像民主党,从不掠夺。And it's not like Democrats never despoil.

这些疾病常会夺走年轻的生命。The diseases usually can despoil of young.

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感谢一个充满掠夺和毒品的大陆。Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison.

希腊与亚洲城市中最宝贵的装饰品被劫掠一空。The city of greece and asia is despoil of their most valuable ornament.

这是掠夺我们者的份子,抢劫我们者的命运。Such is the portion of those who despoil us, the lot of those who plunder us.

当狮子来攫夺羊羔的时侯,他看为一个非常的机会。When that lion came to despoil that flock, it came as a wondrous opportunity to David.

为了人类的到来,它花费了百万年的时间去准备,但是人类只在短期内就将其掠夺。It took millions of years to prepare it for the arrival of Man, but far less for Man to despoil it.

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他动用其破坏性的军队残暴地掠夺国内的人民。He used his ruthless and destructive armies to despoil everybody who lived within reach of his realm.

他们必须反抗试图破坏自然能源的反派力量,以维护能源的平衡。They must fight against the powers that would further despoil those natural resources and protect the energy balance.

有些可再生能源工程由于会破环当地风景而遭到反对导致被迫搁浅,但是这个工程已经得到了环境保护主义者们的支持。Unlike some renewable energy projects blocked by objections that they would despoil the landscape, this one has the support of environmentalists.

如果你面前有一大堆布娃娃,有人鼓动你去剥掉它们的衣服给自己用,你会选择那最高贵最漂亮的剥,是吧?If you were shown a great heap of dolls, and were set upon them to pluck them to pieces and despoil them for your own advantage, you would pick out the richest and gayest. Say!

蒙古族进入阶级社会后,受到宗法思想的影响,形成了收继婚、抢婚制、世代婚、等级婚、入赘婚、买卖婚、抱斧婚等名目繁多的宗法性婚姻形态。After Mongolian entered into class society, effected by patriarchal, They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage, despoil marriage, inherit marriage, grade marriage, etc.