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求。的立方根炸弹打中了他。Find the cubic root of.

具有完整的立方八面体晶体,高强度和热稳定性。It's a cubic crystal inside of it!

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我必须解出这道三次方程。I must work out the cubic equation.

它有62立方英寸排水量。It has a 62 cubic inch displacement.

水池容水量约为50立方码。The pool bulks about 50 cubic yards.

我们以立方公尺的单位测量这个空间。We measure the space in cubic meters.

井眼的环空体积为115方。The annular volume is 115 cubic meters.

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最少一立方起运!Marine transportation A Yuan per cubic !

截止2008年,这一数字下降到了1700万立方米。By 2008, that dropped to 17m cubic metres.

常见的体积单位是立方厘米。Common units of volume are cubic centimeter.

最后得出的单位是立方厘米。We ended up with units of cubic centimeters.

将立方贝兹曲线加入至目前图形。Adds a cubic Bézier curve to the current figure.

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你能从一千立方米海水中得到这么多。You get that out of 1 cubic kilometer of seawater.

这个容器的容积是十万立方米。The volume of this container is 100000 cubic metres.

可以解一元二次,一元三次方程组。Possible solutions to the quadratic, cubic equations.

欧德油储现拥有88600方的库容。Now OTDB total storage capacity is 88600 cubic meters.

1立方米具有1.1千克的承载能力。One cubic meter has a lifting capacity of about 1.1kg.

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这储藏室的容积是四千立方尺。VOLUME】The storeroom has a volume of 4,000 cubic feet.

再把这些配料倒进一个25立方英寸的平底锅中。Pour the ingredients into a twenty-five cubic inch pan.

这项工程要挖40万土方。This project involved 400000 cubic metres of earthwork.