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回答我,海洋。Whereto answering, the sea.

我不知道该从哪里著手。I do not know whereto begin.

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他将告诉我们去哪里。He will inform us whereto go.

但是到哪里去找这样的水呢?But whereto find such kind of water?

把我的心的判断力钩得牢牢?Whereto the judgment of my heart is tied?

中国民用航空工业向何处去?Does whereto of industry of Chinese civil aviation go?

这场真假开心网之争向何处去?Is this true and false happy of the net contend for whereto ?

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请告诉我在哪里下车。请在前一站告诉我。Please tell me whereto get off. Please tell me one stop ahead.

抗战胜利,国共开战,中国向何处去?War of resistance against aggression wins, country in all battle, does Chinese whereto go?

火车的颜色决定了该火车应该开往这种颜色的城镇。The color of the train determines the color of the town whereto this train should be routed.

滚滚红尘中的英雄豪杰,才子佳人,未来终将飘向何处?The heroic hero in billow human society, talent beautiful woman, will future wave eventually whereto?

然而我们到了什么地步,就当照着什么地步行。Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.

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下述签署人同意在中国制造新产品,其品牌以此为合适。The undersigned hereby agrees that the new products whereto this trade name is more appropriate are made in China.

在走向市场经济的过程中,中国自然垄断产业和企业究竟向何处去?In the process that moves toward market economy, industry of Chinese natural monopoly and enterprise after all does whereto go?

安迪现在独自一人,他开始检查这些盒子,像是饥饿的人在浏览食品袋,不知道该先开哪一个。Alone now, Andy starts going through the boxes like a starving man exploring packages of food. He doesn't know whereto turn first.

唐力回来的时候唐正看出他和金晶有点问题,但唐正还不知道唐力和金晶发展到了什么地步只是提醒了一下唐力。Tang Li Tang Zheng see he and jin jing is a little problem when I come back, but Tang Zheng also dont know whereto Tang Li and jin jing development just remind the Tang Li.