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这是一个很广的概念,这儿有一个格式塔现象。This is very cosmic. There is a gestalt here.

在这种情况下,格式塔模式给我们提供了这样一种先验的表述方式。In this case, the gestalt model provides us with such apriori expressions.

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心灵的完形可能在你看来是非个人的,但它的能量形成了你的人。A psychic gestalt may seem impersonal to you, but its energy forms your person.

大概就在那时,我在进行一个关于完型疗法的书的编辑工作。About that time I got involved in editing a book about Gestalt Therapy, so I was.

我在完形治疗中看到很多人试图达到或相信可以自足。I saw a lot of people in Gestalt as trying to be or believing in self-sufficiency.

你可以在视知觉的格式塔文章中找到更多信息You can find more information in the article Gestalt principles of form perception

同时,本章借用格式塔心理学对此作进一步的阐释。At the same time, in this chapter, author uses Gestalt psychology to make further explain.

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这也是格式塔心理学家详细阐发的一个观点。This was also a point of view developed at length by the gestalt psychologist Rudolph Arnheim.

阿特密层充满同时经历许多化身的意识完形。The atmic plane is filled with gestalt consciousnesses experiencing many incarnations simultaneously.

博喻事件是作为命题行为和隐喻行为双重体现的一个经验完形。A megametaphoric event is an experiential gestalt embodying both propositional and metaphoric actions.

如果你们愿意,你们能把至高的精神完形称作上帝,但是你们不应试图将他客体化。If you prefer, you can call the supreme psychic gestalt God, but you should not attempt to objectify him.

尽管这些个性特征是娃娃脸的完形或者全部,很容易被认出。Despite these individual features, babyface is a "gestalt" or whole that is easily recognizable by people.

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姜秋霞于2002年发表专著研究了格式塔理论在文学翻译中的应用。Jiang Qiuxia published a monograph on the application of Gestalt theories to literary translation in 2002.

本文运用格式塔心理学的理论,从场的视角来阐释意象的概念。This essay uses the theory of Gestalt Psychology, explaining the conception of imago in the view of field.

此办法适用于阅读了解中的推理题、完形填空题等。This method is applicable to reading comprehension questions, the reasoning gestalt fills up the topic, etc.

本文尝试捕捉规则表达式的“完全形态”,让读者可以掌握它。This article will try to capture the "gestalt" of regular expressions, and let the reader take it from there.

在我看来,最近十年,完形治疗才进入对话阶段。So you see, that's my point, that now, in the last decade, Gestalt has really moved into its dialogical phase.

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格式塔理论来源于人类对整体性问题的探索。The theory of Gestalt stemmed from mankind's exploration of the whole and was developed by Kant and Ehrenfels.

方便地呈现页面可以使您更加快速地了解给定页面或表单中正在发生的事情。Seeing a page conveniently rendered gives a much quicker gestalt of what is going on with a given page or form.

文章用“格式塔”心理学的“完形”理论对新闻如何“说话”进行了探讨。The article examines how "fact speaks" in journalism by applying the configurational theory of Gestalt Psychology.