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约翰是玛丽的情人。John is Mary's heart- throb.

我想他会在悸动里。And I think he's there in that throb.

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阵阵鼓声彷佛在他耳边震响。The drums seemed to throb in his ears.

下巴肌肉紧绷着,太阳穴或脖子上青筋突出。Jaw muscles and clenched, and temple or neck veins throb.

写这本小说的第一冲动就被描绘成悸动。The first impulse to write this novel is described as a throb.

海上有大浪,满月呵,就象世界在心脉悸跳。A swell in the sea, Full Moon, like the heart throb of the world.

海上有大浪,满月呵,就象世界在心脉悸跳。Full Moon, like the heart throb of the world. From what unknown sky hast.

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对我们两个人之一来说是刻不容缓的悸动,而对另一个人来说却是世俗的紧迫。What is for one of us the throb of the immediate is, for the other, the imminent mundane.

这疼能疼得钻心,让他从熟睡中疼醒,呕吐。The pain would throb and pulsate, waking him out of a sound sleep and making him nauseated.

昔日的小街,谁没有静静走过,唤醒心底最浪漫的悸动?The old street, who did not have quietly walked, awaken the heart is the most romantic throb?

他赶忙跑出去,见到胳膊已经肿了起来,手掌和手指也隐隐作痛。He rushed outdoors and saw his arm was swelling. His hand and fingers were beginning to throb.

那些曾经隐藏在我们内心的悸动与那份朦胧的爱逐渐明朗化了。Those who have hidden in our hearts throb with the share of dim love gradually become evident.

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他们把她放在一个带轮子的担架上,这时听到远处传来捄援的直升飞机的震动声。Setting her down on a wheeled stretcher, they heard the distant throb of the AirLife helicopter.

在开放性前列腺根治切除术后,我感到了一种术后的剧烈疼痛。Right after the radical open surgery to remove my prostate, I felt like one big post-op throb of pain.

这些中国人要有多大的勇气和决心才能冒险偷渡到美国来呢?What kind of grit or desperation must these Chinese throb with to risk the stealthy voyage to America?

平基走进驾驶室,瞧着仪表,挑剔地听着柴油机的震动。Pinky came into the pilot house, looked at the gauges, listened critically to the throb of the diesels.

第一次爆发的极度痛苦已经消失,现在有的是一个被截去一部分的灵魂的悸动和疼痛。The excruciating pain of the first blast is gone, and now there is the throb and ache of an amputated soul.

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今天晚上棕榈叶在嚓嚓地作响,海上有大浪,满月呵,就象世界在心脉悸跳。Tonight there is a stir among the Palm leaves, a swell in the sea, Full Moon, like the heart throb of the world.

今天晚上棕榈叶在嚓嚓地作响,海上有大浪,满月呵,就像世界在心脉悸跳。Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves, a swell in the sea, full moon, like the heart throb of the world.

这是个热得令人眼花的炎炎的酷暑天,她在桃树街上走了不远就觉得太阳穴在轰轰地跳了。It was blindingly, glaring hot and as she hurried down Peachtree Street her temples began to throb from the heat.