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在我们国家,虐待儿童是犯罪行为应该受到惩罚。Child abuse is a publishable offence in our country.

语法仍然没有达到发表文章的标准。The grammar is still not up to the standard of a publishable paper.

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一些属性,尽管可以公布,但不完全支持流系统。Some properties, although publishable , are not fully supported by the streaming system.

你不必做任何事情,当然,除了拍一些可发行的照片以外。You don't have to do another thing except, of course, keep taking more publishable photos.

在这篇文章中提供了对发展一个可出版的原稿的10步骤的实际建议。Practical advice on the 10 steps for developing a publishable manuscript is offered in this article.

如果你写了三章就放弃写作,那你不会有发表小说的机会。You’re not going to have any chanceof writing a publishable novel if you ditch it three chapters in.

所有的方法都是可公布的,但一个类不能公布两个或更多重载的同名方法。All methods are publishable , but a class cannot publish two or more overloaded methods with the same name.

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期末论文长度控制在15到20页之内,达到能够在同侪评论期刊上发表的水平。The assignments culminate in a 15- to 20-page final paper of publishable quality in a peer-reviewed journal.

其宗旨是提出达到可出版质量的作品,可以为更广泛的专业团体提供教学资料。The intention will be to produce work of a publishable quality that can then educate and inform a wider professional community.

他进一步解释说,「当我们确定已经小有一点成果的时候,就觉得有必要发表文章。」He explains further that "when we were sure that we had gotten this far and had these results, we felt there was a publishable paper there."

公司今天宣布,活动的发布也可以通过用户之前更新状态信息的发布工具来发布的。The company announced today that Events will now be publishable through the same Publisher tool that all your status messages are posted in.

这项习作不但能帮助同学整合这门课程所涵盖的主题,它也能让你创作出可发表的文章。Not only will this exercise help bring together all the topics touched upon in the course, it may also allow you to produce a publishable paper.

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这些属性包括记录类型的属性,所有可公布类型的数组属性,以及包括匿名值的枚举类型的属性。These include properties of record types, array properties of all publishable types, and properties of enumerated types that include anonymous values.

如果编辑表明愿意评估修订,这意味着论文可发表,如果审稿人的关注可以解决令人满意。If the editor indicates willingness to evaluate a revision, it means the manuscript may be publishable if the reviewers' concerns could be addressed satisfactorily.

基于该矢量一体化全局模型的矢量数字成图方法,可快速获取具有出版效能的矢量地理信息。The approach of using vector data to make map, which is based on the above model, can quickly acquire the vector geographic information with publishable efficiency.

印度科学与工业研究理事会杂志的一位前任编辑告诉本网站说,这类评估仅仅把重点放在了可发表的研究上。Subbiah Arunachalam, a former editor of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research journals, told SciDev.Net such evaluations concentrate only on publishable research.