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冉阿让疲乏不堪。Jean Valjean was fatigued.

你是从苦难疲劳肾上腺?。Are You Suffering from Fatigued Adrenals?

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你有没有好的治疗法可以治我疲劳的眼睛?Do you have a good remedy for fatigued eyes?

我们怎么样才能知道它已经撑不住了呢?I wondered how we would know if she had fatigued.

登山使整个侦察连感到疲劳。Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scout troop.

他风尘仆仆的来到学校的时候,已经是两天后了。He be fatigued with the journey to school, is two days.

这世间智巧的人,身心受到劳累。Those people who have wit get fatigued in body and mind.

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长舌联合会的同僚们编目次编累了。Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.

长舌联合会的同寅们编目录编累了。Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.

“现在,我下坡没有以前那样疲惫了,”他说。"Now, I don't get as fatigued as much on downhills, " he says.

倾听你的身体,如果觉得疲劳或疼痛了那就该撤退。Listen to your body and back off when your legs feel fatigued or sore.

周末在乡间骑马之后我非常疲惫。After the weekend riding horses in the country-side, I was very fatigued.

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在妈妈们感到疲乏或者恶心的时候,它也能帮上忙。It also helps many moms when they are feeling fatigued or even nauseated.

接着人们散去,因为甚至连好奇和恐惧都疲惫了。Then the people dispersed, for even curiosity and terror become fatigued.

但是却没有条款来保障控制员的疲惫程度。But there's no provision for an air traffic controller to call in fatigued.

雅各泰特鲍姆,医学博士,畅销书作家从疲劳神奇!Jacob Teitelbaum, M. D. , best-selling author of From Fatigued to Fantastic!

要入睡,你得有充足的时间来放松,即便你已感到疲倦。To fall asleep, you need adequate time to unwind, even if you feel fatigued.

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他们给我们提供所有我们需要的东西,我们病了或是感觉很累的时候也会看护我们。They provide everything we need and look after us when we get sick or fatigued.

也可能是外围控制或企图使来访者疲惫的一种征兆。It can also be a symptom of envelopment or an attempt to keep visitors fatigued.

和野蛮人不同,炼狱狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。Unlike a Barbarian, however, a fiendish rage drake is not fatigued after raging.