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电子书-在精神病理学和临床干预中的附加理论。Lawrence. Erlbaum. Assoc. Attachment. Issues. In. Psychopathology. And.

变态心理学研究变态行为和精神病理学。Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behavior and psychopathology.

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其他ESRD患者的精神问题大部分仍是未知数。The extent of other psychopathology in patients with ESRD is largely unknown.

这是正常的社会生物学过程,而心理病理学可能强化耻辱感。These are normal sociobiological processes, but psychopathology may amplify a stigma's intensity.

精神科医师不能向媒体发表对任何人的精神病理学推测。Psychiatrists shall not make announcements to the media about presumed psychopathology on any individuals.

如果我认为精神病理学的内容能对我们的幸福有贡献,我会吸取并利用之。And if something within psychopathology I thought could contribute to our wellbeing, I took that and used that.

一个多世纪以来,临床调查者把早年生活作为成年人精神病的一种成因来关注。For more than a century, clinical investigators have focused on early life as a source of adult psychopathology.

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海梅一世大学人格和心理学小组用两个跨文化项目补充了他们的研究。The Personality and Psychopathology Group at the UJI has complemented these studies with two transcultural projects.

很多专家仍持此种观点,并进一步推断某种类型的性幻想是某种精神疾病的信号。Many experts still maintain this view, further reasoning that certain types of fantasies are signs of psychopathology.

将来的研究需要澄清的是,精神病理与精神障碍患者的这些情感之间存在着怎样的联系。Future studies need to clarify the link between psychopathology and these affects in individuals with mental disorders.

雅斯贝尔斯精神病理学的基本方法是现象学描述、心理学理解和因果说明。The basic method of Jaspers' psychopathology is phenomenological description, psychological understanding and causal explain.

本文介绍了儿童性侵害的定义、儿童性侵害的流行率与发生率、性侵害受害儿童的心理病理学研究。This article introduces the definition, prevalence and incidence of child sexual abuse, and psychopathology of victims in the abuse.

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最终控制组的143对父母包括79对没有双相情感障碍以及64对没有任何精神问题。A final control sample of 143 parents included 79 with non–bipolar-disorder psychiatric disorders and 64 without any psychopathology.

完成了预备课程,学生就可以继续学习儿童与青少年心理疾病理、治疗以及相关的研究方法和发育神经学。With that completed, students can study child and adolescent psychopathology and treatment, research methods, and developmental neuroscience.

酒依赖和相关的共病精神病理学及负性生活事件一样,充当自杀行为的末端危险因素。Alcohol dependence, as well as associated comorbid psychopathology and negative life events, act as distal risk factors for suicidal behavior.

雅斯贝尔斯把现象学方法应用于精神病理学研究,奠定了精神病理学中的现象学研究方向。Jaspers applied the phenomelogical method in the study of psychopathology, formed the phenomelogical direction in the study of psychopathology.

雅斯贝尔斯的精神病理学标志着精神病学理论从克雷佩林的疾病分类学概念进入到描述性症状学概念。Jaspers' psychopathology is a symbol of the transition of psychiatric theory from Kraepelins' nosological conception to descriptive-symptomatological conception.

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结论抑郁症和精神分裂症患者可能存在不同的生物学基础,这与其不同的病理机制、病程转归有关。Conclusions There are biological differences between depression and schizophrenia, which may be associated with their different psychopathology and progression of illness courses.

在儿童与青少年神经病理学学习班中,学生会被送到学校的儿童研究中心,先观察医生如何对儿童进行评估,然后他们详细写下自己的看法。The class on child and adolescent psychopathology sends them to the university's child study center to observe a clinician evaluating a child, after which they write up their own assessments.

显然,我们平常称之为'正常'的东西“,在心理学上,实际是种大众精神病理,看上去平平无奇却又非常广泛,我们甚至没有注意到它“Certainly it seems more and more clear that what we call "normal" in psychology is really a psychopathology of the average, so undramatic and so widely spread " that we don't even notice it ordinarily."