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谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子?Who uses one pant?

他们渴望解放。They pant after liberation.

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我们回家时,我的裤子全湿了。When we came home, my pant was wet.

老百姓戏称它是“大裤衩”。People called it as “The Big Pant ”.

他一弯腰就把裤裆裂开了。When he bent over, he split his pant.

我心欣慕救主活命道理。My spirit pant for Thee O living word.

重复这样的方法熨好另一条裤腿。Repeat this step on the other pant leg.

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在我年轻的岁月,它可是会让我气喘如牛的。At my youthful age, it caused me to pant.

如此教唆残杀,直到气喘咻咻。And thus for wider carnage taught to pant.

是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息A wave to pant beneath thy power , and share

那个奴隶喘着气跟在主人的马后。The serf pant along behind his master's horse.

叮叮当,我好臭,我刚拉屎在我裤子上。Jingle bell. Bad me smell. I just crap my pant.

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前几天我给自己添置了一条新裤子。The other day I bought myself a new pair of pant.

超软莫代尔针织裤一花边打印。Super soft modal knit pant flaunts a floral lace print.

把裤脚裹进袜子或靴子里,把衣襟拢到裤子里。Tuck pant legs into socks or boots and shirt into pants.

火热的南边界上的比基尼裤打印灼伤。Fiery south-of-the-border print burns on the bikini pant.

至于我得裤子嘛,自行车店的店东免费帮我剪短了。Well, the bike shop owner cut the pant legs off for free.

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潘特腰围可能会褶皱,可能需要待解决。Pant waistlines can get wrinkled and may need to be ironed.

他们伺机为自己受到的羞辱报仇。They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.

经典装修高尔夫球裤,柔软,轻便的棉花组织奇诺。Classic-fitting golf pant in soft, lightweight cotton tissue chino.