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士兵们用战壕防御前哨。The soldiers trenched an outpost.

突击队员于拂晓时袭击了前哨基地。The commandos attacked the outpost at dawn.

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他们新的前哨阵地设在一座小山包顶上。Their new outpost was on the crest of a hill.

部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。The troops received orders to trench the outpost.

据点没有足够的士兵或防御措施。The outpost didn't have enough soldiers or defenses.

佐拉姆加前哨站将会变为一座战歌堡风格的要塞。Zoram'gar Outpost will be a Warsong Hold style base.

骑哨先于前哨基地驻扎的骑马的。A mounted sentinel stationed in advance of an outpost.

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在我们的后院中,他们将是苏联的前哨。There was going to be a Soviet outpost in our backyard.

这座城市建立于一个叫做“伦狄尼姆”的罗马殖民地之上。The city was founded on a Roman outpost called Londinium.

其中一个称为塔斯肯要塞,位于莫斯艾斯利的西北方。One such outpost was Fort Tusken, northwest of Mos Eisley.

大部分时间我都待在一个叫Restrepo的前哨基地。I spent most of my time at a small outpost called Restrepo.

现在,北京正致力于打造自己在太空中的多舱“前哨”。Now, Beijing is working on a multi-capsule outpost in space.

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我在哪里可以在线看电影免费的前哨充分流?Where can I watch The Outpost movie online free full stream?

那个小城镇是我们国家一个遥远的前哨基地。That small town is the last far-flung outpost of our country.

到当时为止,边境上的攻击只是些零散的前哨战。So far the border attacks were only scattered outpost actions.

威远城是山海关的卫城,是山海关的前哨。Weiyuan City is Shanhaiguan Acropolis, is Shanhaiguan outpost.

此后,伊拉克方面将他们一个新成立的总部叫做“马尼恩作战前哨基地”。The Iraqis named their new headquarters "Combat Outpost Manion."

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哨站建设研究蓝图应用时已计算损耗系数。Wastage is now applied to Outpost construction platform blueprints.

一个车队经过一个村庄,从一个前哨基地巴里阿莱在库纳尔的碉堡,观看。A convoy passed a village, as viewed from a bunker at Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar.

首先,他们向阿富汗军事营地开火,袭击了美国前哨基地。First they opened fire on an Afghan military camp and then assaulted an US outpost.