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人不再被统治者的罪恶所玷污。When man unsullied by his leaders' crime.

他们被阉割成为无垢者。They had been gelded and made into Unsullied.

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干净明亮的地上镶嵌着白色图案。The unsullied and shining floor was paved with white mosaics.

弥林有着无垢者军团,全世界最好的军团。Meereen has an army of Unsullied infantry, the finest in the world.

梦里的土褐色基调暗示着一切事物是清白无辜的。The earth tone brown in dreams is suggestive of all things unsullied and innocent.

有三次他们路过无垢者守卫,他们像石雕般站立着。Thrice they passed Unsullied guards, standing as if they had been carved from stone.

最终他们来到一对被无垢者守卫的有修铁链拴着的巨型铁门前。Finally they came to a pair of huge iron doors with rusted hinges, guarded by Unsullied.

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她刚强果敢、才智超群、经验丰富,而且名声没有任何污点。She had the combined talents of toughness, intellect, experience and unsullied reputation.

依旧是这样,直到星期五前,我们还以为我们的国家是一块纯洁之地-----从未被社会的败坏玷污过。Still, until Friday, we thought of our country as a virgin — unsullied by the ills of society.

其次是,很多已从香奈儿那里得到既得利益的人在试图保护香奈儿清白时尚的光环。Secondly, he said, many people have a vested interest in protecting Chanel's aura of unsullied chic.

在这种氛围下,国家党以身无污点的复仇者形象出现,其实本有望取得更大成功。In this atmosphere the BNP, posing as unsullied avengers , might have been expected to do even better.

在未受污染的圆形花坛潮湿柔软的褐土上,映衬着粉色的墨西哥墙,玫瑰花安详地开放。In unsullied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall.

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人的心里充满了各种各样的欲望,没有空间让纯洁无瑕的爱进入。The heart is filled with all kinds of desires and there is no room in it for pure, unsullied love to enter.

南阳人刘子骥是个志向高洁的隐士,听到这件事后,高高兴兴地打算前往,但未能实现。It was said that in Nanyang there was a man named Liu Ziji , a recluse who had noble and unsullied aspirations.

纯粹出于原则问题,我不想把自己这样一团糟的可怜老女人,强加于清白可爱的乔凡尼身上。Purely as a matter of principle I wouldn't inflict my sorry, busted-up old self on the lovely, unsullied Giovanni.

但是大多数国家都不希望其文化受到同样影响了西方的一些社会趋势污染,例如离婚,未婚生子等等。Most say they want to keep their cultures unsullied by the social trends—divorce, illegitimacy and so on—that also affected the West.

如果我们总体的商业环境不改变,恐怕“出污泥而不染”是一种苛责。If we do not change the overall business environment, I am afraid, it is a harsh criterion to require us to "rise unsullied from mud".

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冬天茫茫白雪,大地冰封雪裹,远山松枝银花怒放,更具高洁。The pine branches on the remote mountains are like silver flowers in wild blossom, further eloquent of their noble and unsullied character.

我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深。My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world.

三是从同化观念出发,把梅同化成冰肌玉骨的“霜雪美人”,赋予梅花崇高的人格。The third, viewing it from the concept of assimilation, personalizes Mei Flower as the noble and unsullied "snow beauty"with high personality.