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但很显然,布拉特无视了一切。But, evidently, Blatter is oblivious to all that.

“我们来到一片新土地。”国际足联主席赛普·布拉特说道。"We go to new lands. " FIFA President Sepp Blatter said.

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国际足联主席赛普·布拉特第四次成功当选。Fifa president Sepp Blatter has been voted in for a fourth term in office.

布拉特已经表明这将是他在该组织退休前的最后一任。Blatter has stated it will be his final term before retiring from the organization.

仍带着一线希望的布拉特闪入他的奔驰车,驶向机场,这次他的目的地是纽约肯尼迪国际机场。Still hopeful, Blatter jumped into his Merc and sped off to the airport, bound for JFK.

依据哈曼的请求,布拉特接受审问,因为他应该知道这个金额。Blatter was interrogated at Bin Hammam's request because he may have known about payments.

本哈曼曾助布拉特一臂之力,但以后,他也许会把布拉特拉下马来。Bin Hammam had helped put Blatter up there and in time, Bin Hammam might take Blatter down.

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国际足联主席塞普·布拉特再次表示,他决心要彻底根除足球运动中存在的种族偏见和歧视。FIFA president Sepp Blatter said once again he was determined to eradicate racism from football.

周一,一个道德委员会决定布拉特无须回答关于贿选的事。An ethics committee decided on Sunday Sepp Blatter had no case to answer in a bribes-for-votes case.

先是在突尼斯,他使尽浑身解数,在非洲人面前展现了一把自己的才能。So Blatter was smiling and pirouetting in front of the Africans in Tunis, showing off his many talents.

现任国际足联主席布拉特是唯一一位管理世界性足球机构官员的领导者。Incumbent FIFA President Sepp Blatter is the only one running to head the world football governing body.

哈曼否认了这些指控,称这是布拉特的支持者策划的诽谤活动。Mr Bin Hammam denied the charges and said it was a smear campaign launched by those backing Sepp Blatter.

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在今天的一次新闻发布会上,国际足联主席布拉特暗示说,这正是他准备要做的。And in a press conference today, FIFA president Sepp Blatter indicated that's exactly what he's going to do.

同时,国际足联道德委员会澄清主席布拉特对此次涉嫌贿赂的视而不见。The FIFA ethics committee, meanwhile, cleared president Sepp Blatter of turning a blind eye to the alleged bribes.

你必须开始组织少年足球比赛,然后你才能在更高级别的比赛中获得胜利。You have to start to organize youth competitions before you can succeed at a higher level," Blatter told reporters.

两为高级官员──包括布拉特的竞选对手──也因道德问题而纳入停职之列。Two top officials -- including the only contender set to run against Blatter -- were suspended amid ethics concerns.

周一,国际足联主席布拉特警告巴西说,他们应该加快2014年世界杯的筹备工作。FIFA president Sepp Blatter warned Brazil on Monday that they needed to speed up preparations to host the 2014 World Cup.

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当谈到与喀麦隆队的会面时,布拉特说星期天与法国的决赛将会如期举行,尽管福的死维这场比赛蒙上了一丝阴影。Speaking after meeting the Cameroon squad, Blatter said Sunday's final against France would take place despite Foe's death.

事实上,在今年三月,布拉特本人就亲口反对科技手段介入到美丽的足球比赛当中。In fact, as recently as this March, Blatter himself spoke out against allowing technical intrusions into the beautiful game.

如果一个不懂足球的人才会说出这样的话,是的,老布,这个国际足联的头对足球一点也不了解。Only someone who knows nothing about about football would say this and yes Blatter head of Fifa knows nothing about football.