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叛军们,我向你们敬礼。I salute you, rebels.

他利索地敬了一个礼。He gave a smart salute.

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众位朋友都问你安。Our friends salute thee.

皇家礼炮还是12年陈酿?Royal Salute or 12 years?

左右一排18门礼炮。A row about 18 door salute.

礼炮轰响。Guns thundered out a salute.

我们向跪着的人致敬。We salute the man who kneels.

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革命家们,我向你们敬礼。I salute you, revolutionaries.

例8。向文明市民致敬!Salute eto Civilized Citizens!

向文明游客致敬!Salute to Civilized Tourists !

我们向你致敬,坠落熊2号。We salute you, Falling Bear 2.

历史将向你们美利坚致敬。History will salute you America.

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升国旗,奏国歌,敬礼。Raising flag, music, and salute.

士兵们向军官举手敬礼。The soldiers salute the officer.

他们鸣礼炮十响。They fired a salute of ten guns.

基督的众教会都问你们安。The churches of Christ salute you.

我为卡亚玛汉和他的人民喝彩!I salute Kaya Maghan and his people!

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你们亲嘴问安,彼此务要圣洁。Salute one another with an holy kiss.

炮兵轰隆隆地发出十九响礼炮。The artillery boomed a 19-gun salute.

这时,警察就会肃立敬礼。The policeman would stand and salute.