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我们的十城市访问中包括斯特拉福。Our ten-city tour included a visit a Stratford.

后来,他在伦敦和斯拉特福都置了产业。Later he bought property in London as well as Stratford.

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莎士比亚把一半时间花在伦敦,另一半花在雅芳河畔斯特拉特福。Shakespeare divided his time between London and Stratford during his career.

1613年左右,莎士比亚退休回到雅芳河畔斯特拉特福,3年后逝世。He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, where he died three years later.

斯特拉福的原住居民质疑在剧院上花钱能否带来收入。The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue.

他们会希望看见斯特拉特福德像上海那样充满时代感和活力。They will want to see Stratford full of modernity, dynamism and parallels with Shanghai.

1610年以前莎士比亚退居斯特拉福,到死前一直以乡村绅士的身分住在这里。Shakespeare retired to Stratford before 1610 and lived as a country gentleman until his death.

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特值得游览的地方太多了,有三家剧院,还有可爱的乡村。Stratford has an embarrassment of riches, what with three theatres and lovely countryside too.

奥运会、奥林匹克公园以及斯特拉特福市,都将会提升纽汉市的形象,并拉动其经济需求。The games, the park and Stratford City may yet give Newham the lift its image and economy need.

那时候我的热情全在舞台上,一心只想去斯特拉特福看莎士比亚的戏剧。I was completely stage-struck and my youthful passion was going to see Shakespeare in Stratford.

花几天时间干完公务后,我去了斯特拉特福德,莎士比亚出生的地方。After finishing my business which took several days, I went to Stratford where Shakespeare was born.

莎士比亚出生于英国中部埃文河上的斯特拉福镇的一个富裕家庭,祖辈务农。Shakespeare was born in central England that the river Avon Stratford town a wealthy family, Ancestor is the farmer.

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德雷克经过三年的环球远航,于1581年返回普利茅斯港。Drake sailed back to Plymouth in 1581, after his three-year expedition round the world, but we were still in Stratford.

在结束了写作生涯和在伦敦的上演他的戏剧之后,1611年他退居在斯特拉特福德镇,并于1616年4月25日下葬。After a career writing and staging his plays in London, he retired to Stratford in 1611, and was buried on April 25, 1616.

交通部还发布了一个最拥堵重点路段清单,包括斯特拉福德车站、伦敦桥、金丝雀码头、加拿大水和银行区。TfL has published a list of the worst hotspots which include Stratford station, London Bridge, Canary Wharf, Canada Water and Bank.

在斯特拉特福德自治区东部的一座2.5平方公里的工业废地正在被建造成一座新的奥林匹克公园。A 2.5 square-kilometer area of industrial wasteland in the eastern borough of Stratford is being regenerated to form the new Olympic Park.

一个巨大的羽流,黑烟升起了东伦敦星期一中午和报告说,大起火,在斯特拉特福地区。A huge plume of black smoke was seen rising over east London on Monday noon and reports said a large fire broke out in the Stratford area.

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银禧线是地铁网络中最新增加的线路之一,经过改善已成为通往斯特拉特福德的主要地铁线。The Jubilee line, one of the more recent additions on the network, has been upgraded to suit its role as the main tube route to Stratford.

夏尊恩说,美国政府将根据美国司法体系以及世贸组织争端的解决进程争取使这些原则得到落实。Stratford says the U. S. government will pursue enforcement within the U. S. legal system and through the W. T. O. 's dispute settlement process.

在一本为今年4月在斯特拉特福德举行的展览会所写的名为“发现莎士比亚”小册子里,莎士比亚出生地基金会提出了抒情般的解释。In a brochure for an exhibition opening in Stratford in April, titled “Shakespeare Found, ” the birthplace trust offered a lyrical interpretation.