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第四章是完善我国现行中间裁判的思考。Chapter four ponders the perfection of interlocutory referee in our country.

接着分析了英国法上中间禁令的适用条件。Then it is the analysis of the system of Interlocutory Injunction in Britain.

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由于这是一个非正式申请,法院只能裁定其为存在良好争议的法律观点。As this was an interlocutory application, the court only had to find a good arguable case.

心灵对话教学的教育理念应该成为语文阅读教学的核心与灵魂。Spiritual interlocutory education should be the core and soul of Chinese reading teaching.

对话式教育基本上是由作为片段的师生各自的“独白”链接、融合而成的。Interlocutory education is basically created by fractional "monologues" between teachers and students.

相对应的,在英美法系则是起源于衡平法的中间禁令制度。A corresponding one in the anglo-american law system is interlocutory injunction which originated from equitable law.

我们希望消除这种虚耗,以及不必要的非正审申请与「缠讼」。We are hoping to cut out that sort of waste along with unnecessary interlocutory applications and satellite litigation.

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在就申请进行的任何初步及非正审法律程序中,申请人可由一名律师单独代表出庭。In any preliminary and interlocutory proceedings on an application the applicant may be represented and appear by a solicitor alone.

试图通过图集探索在传统与现实之间建立起一种对话关系,推进乡土建筑的现代更新。Trying to build interlocutory relations between traditions and realism, so as to advance modern updating in vernacular architecture.

最后是对中间裁判的类型及价值功能的系统分析。Finally, is the further study by the analysis of different types of interlocutory referee and the value of the interlocutory referee.

法官往往对讼费缺乏真正的感受,并且不了解必须花多长时间准备非正审慎申请。Judges often do not have a real feel for costs and how much time it is necessary to spend preparing for an interlocutory application.

用尽行政补救方法原则与反对联邦法院的中间上诉一般规则相似,它有以下若干目的。The principle of exhaustion, which resembles the general rule against interlocutory appeal in the federal courts, has several purposes.

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在英国,当损害赔偿不能给原告提供足够的补偿时,法官则通过衡平法为其提供临时性禁令救济。In Britain, when the damages can't provide enough compensation for the plaintiff, the judge offers interlocutory injunction to them by equitable law.

裁决地国的法院有权对在其境内作出的仲裁裁决行使撤销权的司法监督,即法院可以根据一方当事人的请求,依照法院地法规定的条件决定是否撤销该仲裁裁决。During the procedure the arbitral tribunal is entitled to render interim award on its jurisdiction, as well as interlocutory or partial award according to the applied arbitration rules.

第14条款中的规定不妨碍任何一方在任何情况下寻求紧急仲裁救助,或者在争端解决程序不成功的情况下开始法律诉讼。Nothing in this clause 14 prevents a party from seeking urgent interlocutory relief in any case or from commencing legal proceedings if the dispute resolution procedures are unsuccessful.