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旗子在风中啪啪作响。The flag slatted in the wind.

他摔下我的手稿就走了。He slatted my manuscript and went out.

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百叶窗帘在她身上投下朦胧的黑色阴影。The slatted window-shade casts a film noir shadow on her.

动物不应只在有缝地板上。The animals should not be kept exclusively on slatted floor.

这些模块贴合地很好,不需要任何侧边或者板条的框架。The modules fit snugly together, eliminating any need for sides or a slatted frame.

一种板条制笼子,开口处以漏斗状网覆盖,用于诱捕龙虾。A slatted cage with an opening covered by a funnel-shaped net, used for trapping lobsters.

新单位有一个提高,板条地板设计,使空气冷却是通过制定板条。New units have a raised, slatted floor design whereby air for cooling is drawn up through the slats.

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他再次从桌子下面拿出一桶细沙倒进瓦罐,细沙掺进石块与砂砾的缝隙中。He slatted dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.

盘面是玻璃的,两边各有一个细长的木制侧袋用来放晨报报——就像过去常常在电影中见到的那样。It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper a kind you used to see in the movies.

盘面是玻璃的,两边各有一个细长的木制侧袋用来放晨报——就像过去常常在电影中见到的那样。It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper e kind you used to see in the movies.

盘面是玻璃的,两边各有一个细长的木制侧袋用来放晨报报——就像过去常常在电影中见到的那样。It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper e kind you used to see in the movies.

整个围栏由一系列橡木作为支撑结构一直延伸至草坡。The completed enclosure comprises a series of oak slatted structures running perpendicular to the grass slope.

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你可以尝试使用矫形床垫或是弹簧床,这有助于缓解某些背痛。Try out an orthopedic mattress or a spring slatted bed which can be beneficial for certain types of back pain.

它的顶部是玻璃的,两侧各有一个木头板条插槽,是用来放晨报的,就像电影里头常见的那种。It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper the kind you used to see in the movies.

板条结构为坚实的木体块作为超过书架高度的楼梯提供了可行的方法。This slatted structure gives way to a solid timber volume as the stairs ascend beyond the height of the bookcase.

南侧表面的特点是采用由彩色玻璃片以及木质板条保护的敞向花园的部分。The characteristic of the south façade are loggias, protected by colored glass slides and a casing of wood slatted.

轻板条墙在如纱的薄光照射下与竹子等绿植形成了建筑物的中央庭院绿色心脏。Lightweight, slatted walls delicately veil the light, and bamboo plants form a luxuriant green heart in the building's central courtyard.

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板条围屏不仅保持图书馆凉爽和躲避最刺眼的太阳光线,而且确保光线照到大楼。As well as keeping the library cool and sheltered from the sun's harshest rays, the slatted screen ensures that an even light reaches the building.

里外面都是磨光的水泥,混凝土和粗糙的石板,与暖色调的板条木质结构和自然的当地石材形成对比。The external and internal finishes are polished cement, concrete and rough slate juxtaposed against warm slatted timber and natural local kota stone.

板条表面向周围的户外休闲区延伸,大块的石板步道穿过一片结合种植区的泳池。The slatted surface extends around an outdoor lobby area, where a walkway formed of large slabs crosses a reflecting pool incorporating planted beds.