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你没能逗我开心!You failed to amuse me!

我的客户总是逗我。My clients never fail to amuse.

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有些人以干荒唐事取乐。Some amuse themselves in folly.

有什么消遣吗?What do you amuse yourself with?

小心驶得万年船。Little things amuse little minds.

我编了一个故事逗孩子们开心。I trumped up a story to amuse the children.

真遗憾。有什么消遣吗?I'm sorry. What do you amuse yourself with?

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汤姆吹起喇叭逗他的小弟弟。Tom blew his horn to amuse his young brother.

简编故事逗她的小弟弟。Jane made up stories to amuse her little brother.

我写信的时候,各位能否自便?Can you amuse yourselves while I write some letters?

只有活泼生动的讲课才能把学生逗乐并给他们留下印象.Only lively lectures can amuse and impress students.

在旅途中,我以玩儿纵横字谜为消遣。I did some crosswords to amuse myself on the journey.

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为了消遣,他开始把一只梅杜扎训练为宠物。To amuse himself, he began training a Meduza as a pet.

第三件事,也许她会自请下堂。The third matter, probably she ambition from amuse next.

所以网站也只是我们自娱自乐的一个工具。So the website also is a tool that we amuse oneself only.

看这一章请准备纸巾擦眼泪。See this chapter amuse arrange paper towel to erase tears.

晚饭之后,他们自娱自乐But after dinner, they do what they do to amuse themselves.

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这些演员为博观众一粲,表演得实在太过火了。The actors were really hamming it up to amuse the audience.

噢---亲爱的,别生气,我只是想逗逗你!Oh---Dear, do not get angry, I just want to amuse amuse you!

“招呼不周,还请见谅!”刘妍笑道。"Hello no week, too amuse forgive! "Liu Yan says with smile.