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因医院错误诊断病情而在Facebook上诋毁医院Libel a hospital when they misdiagnose your illness

或者因生可能将其误诊为哮喘或其它感染。Or, doctor misdiagnose as asthma or another infection.

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或者医生也将这种病误诊为哮喘或其它传染性疾病。Or doctors may misdiagnose it as asthma or another infection.

早期诊断、早期治疗,减少和避免了乳腺癌及导管内疾病的误诊和漏诊。Early diagnose and treatment could avoid and reduce the rate of misdiagnose.

目的分析支气管内膜结核的误诊原因。Objective To analyze the cause of misdiagnose of Endobronchial tuberculosis.

目的总结狂犬病临床特征及误诊原因分析。Objective To summary clinical characteristic of rabies and analyse misdiagnose reasons.

结论以消化道、关节症状为首发者易误诊。The conclusion take the digestive tract, the joint symptom easy to misdiagnose as the first round.

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在许多情况下,医生会误诊患者,或对患者错误治疗,或者治疗不当。In many cases, doctors misdiagnose patients or give them the wrong treatment or not enough treatment.

以下是四种人们经常误诊的常见症状——而这些暗示可以让病症得到真正的缓减。Here are four common conditions that people often misdiagnose — and the clues that can lead to real relief.

目的减少肝豆状核变性所致精神障碍在精神科的误诊率。Objective To reduce the misdiagnose rate of Wilson's degeneration with Dysphrenia in the Neurology Department.

结论在健康体检中加测P2BG有助于早期筛查出糖尿病,减少漏诊。Conclusion It was helpful to run P2BG for screening diabetes in health check-up group, thus to avoid misdiagnose.

指出采用聚类分析后再应用模糊关系诊断,可避免误诊断的发生。It is pointed out that misdiagnose can be avoided by applying fuzzy relational diagnosis after clustering analysis.

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下直肌显示形状为自眶后向前圆滑的椭圆形,易误诊为肿瘤。The image of inferior rectus muscle seemed like smooth spheroid from backward to forward, which tended to misdiagnose as tumor.

但许多临床医生尤其是心血管内科医生对其临床表现的复杂性和多样性没有充分认识,以至于误诊和漏诊。Moreover, many clinicians, especially cardiovascular internists do not know of the complexity and multiplicity of the disease, and therefore misdiagnose.

据报道,许多女性不会在意这些症状,其他女性也只是会寻求一些医疗求助,结果医师弱化,误诊或者忽略到这些症状了。While some women ignored these symptoms, others repeatedly sought medical assistance only to have physicians minimize, misdiagnose or ignore the symptoms.

最常见的原因是医疗人员错误诊断了睾丸扭转—内部的精管缠绕了起来,阻断了血的供应。The most common reason for payouts is whenmedics misdiagnose testicular torsion — where the tubes inside the body gettwisted, cutting off the blood supply.

结论提高青年患者生存率的关键是早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗。Conclusions The key to improve the survival rate of the young patients was "three early stage"analysis the way of improving diagnose rate and misdiagnose reason.

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急诊医师有可能将此误诊为过敏反应,牙医师于拔牙时亦须小心此一少见的并发症。We report this case because physicians in the emergency department may misdiagnose the symptoms as an allergic reaction. Dentists should be more aware of air leak during dental extraction.