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他是一位心理学家——或者更确切地说,一位心理分析学家。He's a psychologist-or rather, a psychoanalyst.

弗罗姆,德裔美籍社会哲学家,精神分析学家。Erich Fromm, German born American, social philosopher and psychoanalyst.

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因此,有一天他停止了看心理医生,决定试试不同的东西。So, one day he stops seeing the psychoanalyst and decides to trysomething different.

但就在这一阶段,她也拜访精神分析师帮助她对付她的精神疾病。But during this period, she also saw a psychoanalyst to help her manage her mental illness.

Saks对分析印象如此深刻,以至于事实上,她正接受训练成为一位研究心理分析师。Saks is so impressed with analysis, in fact, that she is training to become a research psychoanalyst.

本文作者埃里克•J•达曼博士是一名临床心理学家和心理分析学家,在曼哈顿拥有一家私人诊所。Eric J. Dammann, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Manhattan.

乔已经因为害怕床下有怪物而接受了四年的心理医生治疗。Joe has been seeing a psychoanalyst for four years for treatment of thefear that he had monsters under his bed.

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想心理分析学家阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒的自卑情结的概念——后来是低自尊心——提供了缺失的一环。Concepts like psychoanalyst Alfred Adler's inferiority complex — and later low self-esteem — provided a missing link.

瑞士著名精神分析学家卡尔·荣格提出了“男性意向”这个概念,以让人们更好地理解女性内心男性化的一面。Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed the concept of the “animus” to better understand the inner masculine side of women.

纽约一位神病专家,去年开始在个人网站发扬“孕前和产后婚姻课题或会议”。Fitzpatrick, a psychoanalyst in New York who began promoting "pre-baby and postpartum marriage sessions" on her website last year.

瑞士出名魂灵剖释学家卡尔·荣格提出了“男意向”这个概念,以让们更好地舆解心坎男化的一面。Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung1 developed the concept of the "animus2" to better understand the inner masculine side of women.

精神分析师往往将幻奇想像视为次要能力,认为那是一道萤幕用来遮掩某件东西,仅仅就是遮盖而已。Too often the psychoanalyst perceives fantasy as a secondary faculty, a screen which serves to hide something else, nothing more than a cover.

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最近我读了一本很美妙的书“倾听者”,是旧金山的精神分析师兼抒情诗人艾伦威利斯写的回忆录。I recently read a beautiful book called "The Listener, " the memoirs of Alan Wheelis, the San Francisco psychoanalyst and marvelous lyrical writer.

“你不能通过唠叨永久地改变某人,”查理斯·古德斯坦,医学博士、精神学家,同时也是纽约州医学院的精神病学临床教授宣称。"You can't nag someone into permanent change," says Charles Goodstein, M.D., a psychoanalyst and clinical professor of psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine.

据说有一种拿破仑情结,是由精神分析学家阿尔弗雷德·安德勒命名的,指矮小的人会为了矫正他们的身高劣势而富于攻击性。There is something called the Napoleon complex, which was identified by the psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, by means of which small men are supposed to overcompensate for their height by aggressiveness.