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警察通常是没收被偷盗的赃物.Police routinely confiscate stolen property.

查封所得以及拍卖所得的银两呢?Confiscate and seal income and silver gained by sale two?

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而在中国你会被枪毙,公司会被充公。In China they may shoot the owner and confiscate the company.

如发现违禁货物,警方有权查扣。The police have the right to confiscate any forbidden objects they find.

机动车号牌应当按照规定悬挂并保持清晰、完整,不得故意遮挡、污损。No entity or individual shall confiscate or detain any motor vehicle plate.

警方对全市的盗版图书进行了一次集中查缴。The police are making a concentrated effort to confiscate pirated books across city.

警察当场就没收了我们的驾照,扣押了我们的汽车。Cops here immediately confiscate our license and impound our vehicle too on the spot.

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善用现行法律以充公贩毒得益。Make maximum use of available legislation to confiscate the proceeds of drug trafficking.

他劈头盖脸就威胁那边的带头人,要让当局没收他们的器材。He confronted their leader and threatened to have the authorities confiscate their equipment.

根据资产罚没法,政府把从事洗钱和其他犯罪活动所得的财产没收充公。Under asset forfeiture, governments confiscate assets from money laundering and other crimes.

多数情况下,城管似乎并不想动用他们罚款或者没收的权利。In most cases, the chengguan don't appear to invoke their ability to fine and confiscate wares.

老奥巴马建议,国家应没收私有土地,并无上限加税。The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit.

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警察还没收专职人员家人的田地,警告人们说,如果他们在那块地里种庄稼就杀掉他们。Police also confiscate the land of families and tell the people they will be killed if they farm on the land.

可以说,没收直接导致对公民财产权的剥夺和限制。Can say, confiscate what bring about pair of citizen money property right directly is privative with limitation.

在2007年夏天,当局四处出击,没收了德黑兰市内的所有非法卫星接收天线。In the summer of 2007, authorities raided neighbourhoods all over Tehran to confiscate illegal satellite dishes.

以某种借口对一切枪械停止注销,以便某一日全部充公,使人民无以聊赖。Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscate them and leaving the populace helpless.

是这样的,我买一个昂贵的电子去毛器,过不了关口,我担心会被没收。Well, I bought an expensive electronic hair remover that is well over the Customs limits and I'm afraid they'll confiscate it.

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这项禁令将要求联邦检查人员没收旅客的打火机与火柴,假使他们试图携带闯关。The ban will require federal screeners to confiscate lighters and matches from passengers trying to take them through security.

其保守党对手克里斯·格雷林迅速回应以没收不良少年单车的嘲讽。Chris Grayling, his Tory opposite number , quickly responded with a chilling promise to confiscate the bicycles of bad teenagers.

美国的这一新计划主要着眼于增强情报工作,以调查和起诉贩毒集团头目,并没收他们的钱财。Much of the new plan focuses on boosting intelligence to investigate and prosecute key cartel members, and to confiscate their money.