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我们回到贝多芬。We'll resuscitate Beethoven here.

医生们设法让她苏醒,但她始终处于危急状况。The doctors managed to resuscitate her, but she remained in a critical condition.

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在案发现场,救护人员全力抢救两个孩子,但他们早已死去。Attempts were made at the scene to resuscitate the children, but they were already dead.

研究人员发现母亲曾遭受过生殖器切割,其婴儿更加需要复苏。Researchers found there was an increased need to resuscitate babies whose mothers had had FGM.

Gadre也许就是那个救世医生,但要使这个平台全面复苏任重而道远。Gadre might be just what the doctor ordered, but it will take bold strokes to resuscitate this platform.

如今,2010世博会的举行让上海期望再次成为世界中心的愿望得以复苏。And now comes Expo 2010, part of a fading franchise Shanghai hopes to resuscitate as a global launching pad.

这或许是自民党导致的日本经济长期停滞后所带来的改革元年的信号。That would undo years of reforms introduced by the Liberal Democrats to resuscitate Japan's long-stagnant economy.

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在现在这个年代里,日常事物平静的表面常会为复活旧罪恶的尝试所搅动,正象为倡导新惠益的尝试所搅动一样。In this age the quiet surface of routine is as often ruffled by attempts to resuscitate past evils, as to introduce new benefits.

结论对高原失血性休克兔需用较高浓度氧疗合并输液复苏。Conclusion It can resuscitate the hemorrhagic shock rabbits in high altitude by oxygen with higher concentration and fluid transfusion.

设计大胆活泼追求一种街景画的复苏,通过12个气体泵以及迷你市场和洗车场三者结合得以实现。The daring and active design seeks to resuscitate a streetscape through integration of a 12-pump gas station, mini-market and car wash.

又因其主要症状在于呼吸道阻塞,通常在第一线救护时须施行紧急气管切开术,这也容易造成日后气管造口的肿瘤转移。To resuscitate a severe airway obstruction, an emergency tracheotomy is required, which, however, results in a higher frequency of stomal recurrence later.

在今年七月的日内瓦谈判回合告败后,国际社会将试图复活多哈进程。After the failure of the recent round of negotiations this past July in Geneva, the international community will be tempted to resuscitate the Doha process.

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结论高渗盐复合液可有效复苏冷冻性脑损伤合并失血性休克,降低颅内压,减轻神经细胞凋亡。Conclusion HSH could resuscitate Cryogenic brain injury complicated shock effectively, At the same time decrease ICP and relieve the apoptosis of nerve cell.

“如果得到健康的再造,农业可以复苏当地经济”,东京大学农业教授本间正义认为。“Agriculture could resuscitate local economies, if it were made healthy again, ” said Masayoshi Honma, a professor of agriculture at the University of Tokyo.

北京也非常希望运用更多可以促使低迷地产市场复苏的措施,尽力防止出现美国式的住房价格暴跌。Beijing is also widely expected to introduce measures to resuscitate the faltering property market, in an attempt to prevent a U.S.-style crash in home prices.

受通胀回落激励,各大央行纷纷降息,决策者亦开始实施大型激励计划,以恢复经济增长.Encouraged by falling inflation, central banks are cutting interest rates, and policy makers are implementing big stimulus plans to resuscitate economic growth.

在他打完电话回去后,穆雷医生发现杰克逊已经没有了呼吸,他告诉警方当时他试图给他做心肺复苏,同时杰克逊的一个职员叫了救护车。Returning from making phone calls to find his patient not breathing, he told police he tried to resuscitate him and one of Jackon's staff called for an ambulance.

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尽管评论依旧悲观,不过,市场似乎在华盛顿官员为重振住房市场而加倍努力下恢复了部分信心。Still, the markets seemed reassured that Washington officials were redoubling their efforts to resuscitate the weak housing sector, despite the downbeat comments.

当时在场的我弟弟的私人医生和将他送到加州大学洛杉矶分校罗纳德·里根医疗中心的医护人员都曾试图帮助他恢复知觉。His personal physician who was with him at the time attempted to resuscitate my brother, as did the paramedics who transported him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Centre.

在身陷困境的工党领袖埃德·米利班德的领导下,工党也没有在有关如何重振英国经济和改革公共服务这样的大辩论中施加多少影响力。Nor, under its struggling leader Ed Miliband, has the party exerted much influence in the ongoing debates over how to resuscitate Britain’s economy and reform its public services.