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他使用高深的词语。He used lofty terms.

洛夫蒂是我的真爱。Lofty is my true love.

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豪气向天冲。Lofty spirits rush to sky.

他的思想境界非常崇高。His realm of thought is lofty.

因为那是最高尚的职业。It’s the best lofty profession.

参天大树,独怕雷劈。Lofty tree most dread the thunder.

他的雄心壮志被岁月慢慢磨掉了。His lofty ideas were nibbled by years.

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巍巍群山耸入云霄。The lofty peaks tower into the clouds.

使它排泄在我们高傲的头上。Their excrements upon our lofty heads.

我看高大树,叶落光秃秃When lofty trees I see barren of leaves

我没有多少豪情壮志,没有远大的追求。I do not have lofty sentiment and ideal.

只有心存梦想,方能豪情万丈。Only has dream can has lofty sentiments.

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当我看见参天的树枝叶尽脱。When lofty trees I see barren of leaves.

高尚的理想是人生的指路明灯。In 12, a lofty ideal is a beacon of life.

这个村庄后面是高高的荒山。There are lofty fells behind this village.

这才是人之为人的尊贵与崇高。Thus it makes the human honored and lofty.

他们看到了高耸的山峰,气势雄伟壮丽。They saw the lofty peak in all its majesty.

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应该就像现在我的豪气那样高升入云。As the lofty spirit of mine now rising high.

如何以广展的翅翼飞过玄虚的高空。Passed on wide pinion through the lofty air.

他的崇高精神大大地激励了别人。His lofty spirit has greatly activated others.