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棘背龙是肉食动物。Spinosaurus was a meat eater.

剑龙是草食动物。Stegosaurus was a plant eater.

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食死徒必须是纯血的。Death Eater must be pureblooded.

巨龙是肉食动物。Giganotosaurus was a meat eater.

那么,你确实想成为一名食死徒?So You Want To Be A Death Eater?

异特龙是肉食动物。The Allosaurus was a meat eater.

赫佐格想起来了,他是个贪嘴的人。Herzog remembered him as a greedy eater.

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而B现实是吃草机的发明者。Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.

那神出鬼没的偷吃蛋糕的人又来过这儿了!The phantom cake eater has been here again!

食死徒不能当邓不利多的间谍。No Death Eater shall be a spy for Dumbledore.

我这辈子一直是铁杆肉食者。I have been a hard-core meat eater all my life.

食死徒后退,哈利击昏了他。The Death Eater recoils, and Harry Stupefies him.

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先生和Ballas的杂草噬魂的发明者。And Mr. Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.

一个食死徒扑向哈利,但是他用肘打在他的脸上。Death Eater lunges at Harry, but he elbows him in the face.

腕龙是草食动物,它吃树梢处的叶子。The Brachiosaurus was a plant eater. It ate tops of tall trees.

他还能再吃至少30颗水饺呢!真是大胃王。He can still eat at least 30 dumplings! He's really a big eater.

他是诺特或当面被卢娜击碎冥王星的食死徒。This is either Nott or the Death Eater Luna Reducto-ed Pluto at.

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“我还是认为我看见了一头牡鹿守护神!”第一个食死徒大喊。"I still say I saw a stag Patronus! " shouted the first Death Eater.

虽然,如果我是肉食主义者的话,看到它的时候一定会感到恐惧。Although, I would be frightened at seeing this if I was a meat eater.

阿尔贝塔龙是肉食动物,它捕食其它的恐龙。Albertosaurus was a meat eater. It killed other dinosaurs to eat them.