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朝鲜将冻结韩国当局在金刚山地区资产。DPRK to freeze S. Korea's assets in Mt. Kumgang.

一对姐妹在金刚山景区巨幅地图前找位置。A couple point out sites on massive map along a wall in Mount Kumgang resort.

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南北韩计划5月在北韩金刚山恢复离散家庭面对面团聚。The two Koreas plan to resume face-to-face reunions in May at North Korea's Mount Kumgang.

一个中国游客在朝鲜金刚山山顶附近留影。A Chinese tourist poses near mountains peaks at the Kumgang mountain resort in North Korea.

拉拉的婶婶打电话叫回金刚山,问起孙子妈妈的状况,金刚山照实答复。Lesbian aunt call back to mount kumgang, asked about the condition, mount kumgang grandson mother ZhaoShi reply.

金刚山旅游景点关闭,使北韩每天蒙受经济损失,韩国现代峨山公司也是如此。With the Kumgang resort closed, North Korea is losing revenues by the day and so is the Hyundai Asan corporation.

韩国与朝鲜的离散家属们当天起在朝鲜金刚山地区举行中秋会面。South Korea and the DPRK separated families are Mount Kumgang area in North Korea since the day Mid-Autumn meeting.

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韩国和北韩金刚山联合渡假区之间,将允许每天高达四趟往返交通。Up to four trips a day will be permitted between South Korea and a joint resort zone at the North's Kumgang mountain.

金刚山又去找孙子,经过孔珠的指导,孙子决议再联络金刚山。Mount kumgang went to get grandson, after KongZhu guidance, grandson of the resolution to contact again mount kumgang.

因此,韩方就金刚山旅游问题提出的双方政府间会谈也很难将如期举行。Thus, the ROK on Mount Kumgang tourism talks between the two governments made it is difficult to be held as scheduled.

提起酒店的名字,金刚山说起那是一家不错的酒店,他去美国的时分曾经住过那里。Mention the name of the hotel, mount kumgang speak of it's a good hotel, he went to the United States at once lived there.

声明还说,朝鲜还将关闭金刚山旅游地区的通讯联络站,这个联络站已经由于另外一起争议而被关闭。It said it will also shut a liaison office at the shared Mount Kumgang resort, which is already closed over a separate dispute.

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自2000年团聚计划启动以来,在金刚山等地已经进行了16次面对面的团聚活动,约有1,680个家庭参加。Since their start in 2000, 16 in-person reunions have been held at Mount Kumgang or other places, involving about 1,680 families.

这是来自南北韩双方的红十字会代表团在北韩渡假地金刚山三天会谈的成果。Red Cross delegations from the two Koreas reached the agreement following three days of talks at the North's Mount Kumgang resort.

自2000年团聚计划启动以来,在金刚山等地已经进行了16次面对面的团聚活动,约有1,680个家庭参加。Since their start in 2000, 16 in-person reunions have been held at Mount Kumgang or other places, involving about 1, 680 families.

53岁的朴旺子两周前游览北韩旅游圣地金刚山时被北韩士兵击中两枪身亡。The 53-year-old Park was shot twice by North Korea's military two weeks ago during her visit to the North's Kumgang mountain resort.

朝鲜方面今年4月宣布废除“金刚山旅游区”,新设“金刚山国际旅游特区”。North Korea announced in April this year, by repealing "Mount Kumgang tourist zone", the new "Mount Kumgang International Tourism DC.

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朝鲜金刚山国际旅游特区指导局将启动对韩方在金刚山旅游区内资产的合法处理程序。DPRK's Mount Kumgang tourist zones to guide the international Bureau will start on the South Korean side in the Mt region's asset legal process.

金语山通知顺德金刚山的私生子孙子的事情,顺德想起了本人的孩子还没有找到,不晓得在哪里生活呢。Gold language mountain the mount kumgang bastard son notify shunde, shunde remembered something of my children haven't found, don't know where life?

金刚山去找孙子,开门见山说孙子可能是本人的儿子,请求做亲子审定,孙子回绝。Mount kumgang to find grandchildren, grandson could come straight to the point is that I said son, request to do parent-child authorized, grandson rebuffed.