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曾经有一个叫波儿的梦,我只能轻轻说出来。There was once a dream that was Boer. I could only whisper it.

他甚至在布尔战争中为英国帝国主义辩护。He even wrote a defense of British imperialism during the Boer War.

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1902年的布尔战争,或者说南非战争很没有意义。The Boer War, or South African War, of 1899-1902 was pretty pointless.

德波尔将担任咨询公司毕马威的顾问。Mr de Boer will leave for an advisory post with KPMG, the consultancy.

波尔山羊对改良马头山羊的生产性能具有很好的效果。Boer goats can improve significantly production performance of Matou goats.

德布尔将这个文件形容为一个细节尚待丰富的“框架文件”。De Boer described the document as a "framework", which still needs to be fleshed out.

1895年詹姆森企图煽动这些外国人推翻布尔人政府。In 1895 Leander Starr Jameson attempted to incite them to overthrow the Boer government.

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爸爸说,当我到澳大利亚后,得先去拜访昆士兰的德·伯尔男爵。Dad said that when I went to Australia after a first visit to Queensland's Baron De Boer.

联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处执行秘书德布尔提醒各国代表,他们的工作量非常繁重。The U.N. top climate official, Yvo de Boer reminded delegates they have their work cut out.

波尔山羊原产于南非,是目前世界上最优秀的肉用山羊品种。Boer goat, being from South Africa, is considered to be the premier goat meat producing breed.

德布尔说,就目前对削减温室气体的承诺来看,不足以达到这个目标。De Boer said that pledges for cuts in greenhouse gases so far were insufficient to meet the goal.

饲养品种主要有萨能奶山羊、吐根堡奶山羊、杜泊尔绵羊和波尔山羊等。The major species of animals raised here are Saanen, Toggenburg, Dorper Sheep, Boer Goat and so on.

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“我认为我们极可能在坎昆看不到一个具有法律约束力的协议,”德布尔说。"I think it's extremely unlikely we will see a legally binding agreement in Cancun, " de Boer said.

阿贾克斯主帅强调,如果我军要签苏小牙,就必须尽快搞定。Ajax boss Frank de Boer insists any deal with Liverpool for Luis Suarez must happen sooner than later.

本文根据我国北亚热带和北温带引进的波尔山羊的生产性能表现,讨论了其引种适应性。The adaptation of Boer Goat with its performance in northsemitropical and variable zone was discussed.

4月7日,荷兰妇女黛博拉在其家乡展示她的“宝石眼”。Dutch woman Deborah Boer models the 'Jewel Eye'in her hometown Driebergen, the Netherlands April 7, 2004.

世纪之交发生在南非的英布战争中,很多军官都开始穿风雨衣。Many officers began to wear trench coats at the turn of the century, during the Boer War in South Africa.

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世界各国领导人诸如巴拉克·奥巴马、温家宝等的出席进一步影响了会谈,德波尔写到。The presence of world leaders such Barack Obama and Wen Jiabao further affected the talks, De Boer wrote.

对70只供体波尔山羊进行超数排卵,1350只受体鲁北白山羊进行同期发情。Boer goats as donors were selected to superovalate and 1350 Lubei-white goats as acceptants were selected.

布尔人此前一直在与祖鲁人争夺某些土地的所有权,谢普斯通则对布尔人表示支持。The Boers had been in a dispute with the Zulu about certain lands, and Shepstone supported the Boer claims.