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金枪鱼延绳钓船是捕捞金枪鱼的最有效的装备之一。Tuna longline is one of the most effective tools for tuna fishing.

一条剑鱼被墨西哥的非法钓鱼者用延绳钓捕获了。Hooked without a permit, a dorado —sold as mahi-mahi—was caught on an illegal longline off Mexico.

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此外,早期用延绳钓捕鱼的日子里,有许多鱼在上钩后被又鲨鱼吃掉了。Furthermore, in the early days of longline fishing, a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked.

如同其他种类的信天翁,黑脚信天翁同样面临延绳渔钓的威胁,即便其原定目标锁定旗鱼及鲔鱼。Like all albatrosses , this species is threatened by drowning in longline fisheries targeting swordfish and tuna.

汤加金枪鱼渔业以延绳钓渔业为主,主要捕捞鱼种是长鳍、黄鳍和大目三种金枪鱼。Longline fishery dominates the Tonga tuna fisheries. Albacore, yellowfin tuna, and bigeye tuna are the main catch species.

印度洋长鳍鲔系群评估通常应用台湾鲔延绳钧渔船所提送的渔业资料。The assessment of the Indian albacore stock is usually based on fishery-dependent data submitted from Taiwanese longline vessels.

一般来讲,专家称,渔民用延绳钓可以带来更大的收获,还有些意外所得,在海里使用延绳钓就有这个好处。In general, experts say, fishermen bring in bigger catches using longline gear, and some add that it is somewhat easier to use at sea.

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在以诸如金枪鱼、剑鱼和旗鱼等鱼类为目标的延绳钓捕捞中,船只拖曳的鱼绳带有多达2500个饵钩。In longline fishing, which targets fish such as tuna, swordfish and billfish , boats trail long lines bearing as many as 2500 baited hooks.

他说,当他看到长线鱼钩意外捞到海豚,人们把它们拖上船,打死,又给扔到海里时,他不干了。He says he quit when he saw dolphins, caught accidentally on longline hooks, being dragged aboard ship, beaten to death, and thrown back into the sea.

信天翁风险项目成员极力建议使用简单和高收益方法的捕鱼船员门避免误捕那些偷食长线鱼饵的信天翁。Albatross Task Force members crucially advise fishing crews on the simple and cost-effective ways to avoid catching albatrosses that steal bait from the longline hooks.

信天翁是一种寿命极长,不易繁殖后代的鸟类,它们的数量的增加,不能与全球延绳长线捕鱼所造成的数目损失相抵。Albatrosses are extremely long-lived, slow-reproducing birds, and their populations cannot withstand the sorts of losses that global longline fishing effort has created.

西班牙所谓的拖网渔船船队表面上是以旗鱼为目标,但从2000年到2004年,它70%按重量计算的捕获物是深海鲨鱼。The Spanish fleet of so-called surface longline fishing boats ostensibly targets swordfish, but 70 per cent of its catch, by weight, from 2000 to 2004 were pelagic sharks.

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在大西洋和太平洋公海上进行的延绳钓捕捞作业方式,未来将使用特殊的绳索来驱赶海鸟,避免海鸟将放置在延绳上的诱饵当作食物。Longline fishing fleets on the high seas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans will now use special lines that scare seabirds to keep them from taking the bait set out on the long lines as food.

印度洋长鳍鲔自1950年代起开始被开发,其间,有两度出现较大的渔获量,即1986-1991年的流刺网渔业和1998年以后的渔捞。The Indian Ocean albacore stock has been exploited since 1950s and appeared in a heavy exploitation status in two periods, 1986-1991 by gillnet fishery and 1998 afterward by longline fishing.