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肛管直肠损伤的诊断和治疗。Diagnosis and treatment of anorectal injuries.

请问徐州哪所医院治疗肛肠疾病比较专业?Which hospital does Xuzhou anorectal diseases more professional?

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目的探讨肛管直肠损伤的诊断和治疗。Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal injuries.

目的为探讨肛肠病患者围手术期的镇痛治疗方法。To explore the perioperative analgesic therapies for anorectal diseases.

测量肛直角、会阴位置、盆底腹膜位置、膀胱位置。Anorectal angle, the level of perineum, peritoneum and bladder were measured.

目的耳穴贴压护理对肛肠疾病术后疼痛的影响。Objective Auricular pressure nursing affect to pain after anorectal disease operating.

目的探讨肛肠疾病术后有效镇痛的方法。Objective To discuss the effective analgesic means to anorectal diseases after operation.

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探讨中西医治疗肛管直肠脱垂的方法。To explore traditional chinese and western medicine treatment methods anorectal prolapse.

目的探讨排粪造影检查对出口梗阻性便秘病例的诊断价值。Objective To explore the diagnostic value of defecography for anorectal outlet obstruction.

结论IBS患者的直肠肛管压力以及胃肠激素均异常。Conclusions Anorectal pressure and gastrointestinal hormones were abnormal in patients with IBS.

目的探讨肛管直肠测压技术的临床应用和意义。Objective To evaluate the clinical appliance and significance of the technique of anorectal manometry.

依此方案完成的机械设计最终满足了肛肠科手术综合要求。The final mechanical design of this project fulfills the synthesized requirement for anorectal surgery.

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肛管、直肠和乙状结肠向下移位称为脱肛,也称肛管直肠脱垂。Anal canal, rectum and sigmoid colon downward shift is called prolapse, also known as anorectal prolapse.

结论穴位按压是解除肛肠病患者术后尿潴留的有效疗法。Conclusion Acupressure is a effective method to relief the uroschesis after operation for anorectal diseases.

高乌甲素在肛肠病术后镇痛中的使用是安全有效的。It is safe and effective to use lappaconitine hydrobromide injection to prevent anorectal postoperative pain.

全新的治疗理念、全新的诊疗模式,即将开启肛肠疾病治疗的崭新纪元。The new treatment concept, the new treatment model, soon to open a new era in the treatment of anorectal disease.

肛直肠线、直肠盆膈结合部与尾骨尖几乎处于同一个平面上。The anorectal line, the point of rectum passing through the pelvic diaphragm and the coccygeal tip are almost at the same level.

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从事泌尿外科临床工作30余年,擅长泌尿外科、肛肠科及男科各类疾病的诊治。Urology in more than 30 years of clinical expert in urology, Anorectal male and the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

与布比卡因相比,在老年肛肠手术患者行鞍麻时罗哌卡因可能更为适用。Compared with bupivacaine, anorectal surgery in elderly patients with saddle anesthesia, when ropivacaine may be more applicable.

结论直肠肛管纵切心形吻合术适用于各年龄组及绝大多数类型巨结肠的根治。Conclusions The authors suggest that anorectal longitudinal incision and heart shape anastomosis are suitable to most type of HD.