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瓶塞扑通一声地拔了出来。The cork came out plop.

软木塞砰的一声拔开。I stopped it with a cork.

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软木制的天花板能减少回音。Cork ceilings absorb sound.

那个人经过患难,东山再起。That fellow bobs up like a cork.

软木塞砰的一声拔开。The cork came out with a loud pop.

把这些瓶子灌满并用瓶塞塞紧。Fill and cork these bottles please.

然后把软木塞放进盛满有色水的瓶颈里。A cork fits into the neck of a bottle.

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让我帮助你把这个瓶子塞好。Let me help you to cork up this bottle.

你对软木塞感兴趣吗?。Are you interested in the cork stoppers?

他用软木塞塞住玻璃瓶。He stopped the glass bottle with a cork.

接待室的地面砖为软木材料质地。Reception's floor tile is made from cork.

青石地面上铺着软木垫。There was cork matting on the stone floor.

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软木和皮革鞋底,增加舒适度。Cork and leather footbed for added comfort.

游戏室用彩色软木进行装饰。The playroom is decorated with tinted cork.

其中一种流行的作弊手段就是在球棒里面填充软木。One popular method has been to cork the bat.

虹吸酒入瓶子并且用软木塞塞好。Siphon the wine into the sizes and cork them.

它对栓皮槠下面的土壤非常有利。It's very good for the soil below the cork oak.

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虹吸酒入瓶子并且用软木塞塞好。Siphon the wine into the bottles and cork them.

他拔香槟酒的瓶塞时它砰的一声开了。The champagne cork popped when he pulled it out.

在栓皮厂房,工许多人用叉子叉猪肉。in the cork workshop, the workers fork the pork.