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这位科学家叫艾尔默。The scientist's name was Aylmer.

一想起这个梦,艾尔默便觉得很愧疚。Aylmer felt guilty remembering the dream.

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最吸引她的是艾尔默自己。What most drew her attention was Aylmer himself.

“亲爱的,我不会隐瞒任何东西,”艾尔默说。"My dear, nothing shall be hidden, " Aylmer said.

几小时后,艾尔默手里拿着一个装着无色液体的玻璃杯子返回。Hours later, Aylmer returned carrying a crystal glass with a colorless liquid.

艾尔默把这块痣看作是妻子伤心,致病和死亡的迹象。Aylmer saw the mark as a sign of his wife's eventual sadness, sickness and death.

一个接一个,艾尔默为妻子做了一系列手术,但那块痣依然去不掉。One by one, Aylmer tried a series of powerful experiments on his wife. But the mark remained.

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但是他们结婚后不久的一天,艾尔默用一种困惑的表情看着他的妻子。But one day, very soon after their marriage, Aylmer looked at his wife with a troubled expression.

有一阵子艾尔默一直在心中回想着妻子脸上的那块痣,这就影响了他们夫妻之间原来的快乐气氛。During a period that should have been their happiest, Aylmer could only think of this disastrous subject.

“亲爱的乔治娜,对于你的胎记我也考虑了很多”爱莫说“但是我保证它会被移植掉。"Dearest Georgiana, I have spent much thought on the subject, " said Aylmer. "I am sure it can be removed.

每天早晨一睁开眼,艾尔默就看到那块痣,这是不完美的一个标记。With the morning light, Aylmer opened his eyes upon his wife's face and recognized the sign of imperfection.

“我最爱的乔治娜,这件事我已经思考了很久,”艾尔默说,“我相信它一定会被去掉。”"Dearest Georgiana, I have spent much thought on the subject, " said Aylmer. "I am sure it can be removed. "