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公犬有一个刻板的等级制度。Male dogs have a rigid hierarchy.

严格节食会使你身材苗条。A rigid diet will make you slimmer.

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但你女儿象个僵硬的树忮。But your girl is rigid like a twig.

不要遵守不变通的党纲。Don't follow the rigid party program.

我们未必矢志坚持任何硬性方案。We are committed to no rigid formula.

它逐渐变硬,直至不易弯曲。It progressively stiffens until rigid.

硬性指不灵活或非常严格。Rigid means inflexible or very strict.

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一个壁可以是刚性的,也可以是非刚性的。A wall can be either rigid or nonrigid.

然而,它们非常严格,非常周正。However, they’re very rigid and geometric.

起初,规定是硬性严格的。Originally, they were very rigid about this.

隔火帐之构造必须坚固。It shall be of robust and rigid construction.

液压机C型机身设计,机身整体铸造,刚性好。The C-body design, whole body cast, high rigid.

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机身整体铸造,刚性好,性能稳定。Whole body casting, rigid and stable performance.

C型机身设计,机身整体铸造,刚性好。The C-body design, whole body cast and high rigid.

他做什么事情都是按图索骥,效率太低。He's ineffective because his approach is too rigid.

当局把它的公民置于严密控制之下。The regime subjected its citizens to rigid controls.

许多人具有和他一样的僵化的限制主义信念。Too many share his rigid restrictionist convictions.

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然而手里的驾驶盘永远像死亡那样僵硬、冰冷。and the helm to a hand ever rigid and cold as death.

故我刚性的去刻意淡忘那些多雨的春天。So I deliberately rigid to forget those rainy spring.

本公司的产品制造有极严格的品质管制。Our products are produced under rigid quality controls.