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这是一个超现实主义的法国人。This is a far, far reach from French surrealism.

艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.

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亨利•希秦斯的这部著作并非是关于现实之外的文字。Not that Henry Hitchings's book is about verbal surrealism.

艺术家萨多瓦尔·利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is the synonymous with surrealism.

大部分的法国超现实主义想像没有一个中心。Most of the images of French surrealism don't have a center.

这项工程叫做“39乔治五世”,是城市超现实主义的宣言。The project is named"39GeorgeV" is an urban surrealism manifesto.

李荣明的作品是以隐喻的方式来表达他的超现实主义想法。Li Rongming's artworks express artist's unique surrealism via metaphor.

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设计中可以看到立体主义与超现实主义的一些形式语言。The language of a few forms of cubism and surrealism can see in the design.

即着眼于超现实主义的历史背景时代特征。It focus on the historical background of surrealism characteristics of the times.

潜意识第一次以正面的姿态出现在艺术创作中。The first appearance of subconsciousness in art work as positive began with surrealism.

想一想各个艺术运动,从印象派和表现主义到超现实主义和极简主义。Think about the different movements of art, from Impressionism and Expressionism to Surrealism and Minimalism.

30年代“抽象——创造”运动的作战对象是保守主义者和大受宠爱的超现实主义。The " nonrepresentational --- creative" movements in the 1930's targeted the conservatisms and popular surrealism.

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艾兹所分析的达利与超现实主义那种微妙的关系,并不影响达利是一个名副其实的超现实主义者。Haize analyzed Dali and Surrealism that delicate relationship, does not affect the Daly is a veritable super-realist.

尤其对超现实艺术领域,至少现在这个领域的搜藏家多于艺术家,这是件好事。Especially in surrealism where, at least right now, there seems to be more collectors than painters, a very good thing.

该运动综合了立体派和超现实主义等以前从未同时出现过的现代艺术元素。The movement synthesised elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.

超现实主义思潮的表现方式和颠覆现实的内里逻辑是拉康早期理论兴趣的重要来源之一。Lacan's interests of early theories come mainly from the expression of surrealism and inner logic of overthrowing reality.

我们决定操作那些颜色,但是使用黑背景,采取在考虑以上提到的超现实主义。We decided to manipulate those colours but using a black background, taking in consideration the surrealism mentioned above.

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这幅作品包含的超现实主义元素,再次展现多种欧洲艺术运动对这位艺术家造成的影响。Elements of Surrealism found in this work, show ones and again the influence of various European art movements on the artist.

从立体派、野兽派到超现实主义、抽象主义,其艺术理念与形式无一不曾在时装设计中有所体现。From Cubism, Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism, their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design.

超现实主义中表现出的神秘、虚幻、或是重叠的空间意象与全像立体影像所带给人视觉效果有所关联。The mysterious, visional, and overlapped space images of Surrealism can be connected with the visual effect which hologram produces.