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辣椒和盐都是调味品。Pepper and salt are condiments.

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香料和佐料。丁子香花蕾。规范。Spices and condiments. Cloves. Specifications.

红雕鱼,海鲈鱼,三文鱼,配小料。Snapper fish, sea bass, salmon, with condiments.

粤菜的主要佐料是什么?What are the main condiments of Cantonese dishes?

尽量使用低脂或脱脂的上述食品。Use low-fat or nonfat versions of these condiments.

法式菜肴重视调味,调味品种类多样。French food flavoring, condiments holbein attention.

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这表现了严重应战调味操行销。This represents a serious challenge to condiments marketers.

三明治要提前做好但是调味品先不要放。Make up sandwiches ahead of time but keep the condiments separate.

再加些可口的调味品,让你的家常午餐更漂亮。Spruce up your homemade lunch with some tasty extras, like condiments.

同样,换掉冰箱里可能有的很久以前的沙司或是其他调味品。Same goes for sauces and other condiments you might have in your fridge.

你不经常使用的调味品——丢掉任何超过6个月的东西。Condiments you don't use often — Anything past 6 months should be tossed.

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若在调料中加入茶叶二钱则为茶鸡蛋。If ten-gram tea is added into condiments , there will be tea-stewed eggs.

主菜没什么味道,不过我加了调味料使它味美可口。The main dish had little flavor, but I made it palatable by adding condiments.

四川菜以豆瓣酱、泡辣椒为主要调味品。The main condiments of Sichuan food are generally bean paste and pickled pepper.

然后,将熟肉片夹出,放进备有各种调味品的佐料中沾一沾,就可以吃了。Then take the slices out and dip them in the mixture of condiments and relishes.

调料的口味各家不同,只有现磨的干辣椒粉必不可少。The condiments vary from family to family, but fresh chili powder is a must-have.

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清洁并续满所有的胡椒瓶、盐瓶、辣椒酱、糖缸及其他调料。Refill and clean all salt and peppers, Tabasco , sugar bowls, and other condiments.

洋葱,蘑菇,火腿,番茄,培根,葱,橄榄,甜椒和芝士。Condiments onion, mushroom, ham, tomato, bacon, chive, olive, bell pepper and cheese.

厨房里有个胡椒、盐、芥末、番茄酱以及其他调味品的架子。There is a shelf in our kitchen for pep per salt mustard catsup and other condiments.