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罗兰·博克东京报道。Roland Buerk in Tokyo.

罗兰?比尔克在科伦坡报道。Roland Buerk is in Colombo.

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罗兰·比尔克从东京发回报道。From Tokyo, Roland Buerk reports.

罗兰。布鲁克从东京为我们发回报道。From Tokyo, here is Roland Buerk.

罗兰夫人于是对后代的问题也冷淡漠然。Mme Roland is indifferent to posterity.

罗兰正帮格温买宠物用品。Roland is helping Gwen buy pet supplies.

罗兰德。伯瑞斯正式就任联邦参议员。Roland Burris is officially a US senator.

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我和莫亚在罗兰·加洛斯训练。I had a practice at Roland Garros with Moya.

玉兰树并没有读过罗兰·巴特。The magnolia trees hadn’t read Roland Barthes.

下面是来自罗兰德在东京的报道。From Tokyo, here's our correspondent Roland Buerk.

但是罗兰德并没有发现有任何数据复制的迹象。Yet Roland cannot get a signal on the data copying.

罗兰贝格国际管理咨询有限公司。Roland berger international management consultants ltd.

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迈可只好要求罗兰德查寻一下埋伏现场的驾照。He asks Roland to look up a license plate from the scene.

罗兰德追踪这个邮件,线索指向阿纳翰的一台主服务器上。Roland then traces the emails to a main server in Anaheim.

罗兰·巴特的“新奇”则是指“文”的生产性。Roland Barthes' novelty denotes the productivity of "text".

于是,这位坚贞不渝的姑娘和自己的爱人罗兰举行了婚礼。Thus the faithful girl was married to her sweetheart Roland.

保时捷设计工作室的总监是罗兰·海洛。Managing Director of the Porsche Design Studio is Roland Heiler.

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迈克尔逼问是否罗兰德出卖了他们,他抵死不认。Michael confronts Roland about setting them up, but he denies it.

同时,罗兰宫占据观海核心地位。Meanwhile, Roland Palace occupies the core position for sea viewing.

其他队员抵达了维加斯,罗兰德被赌场保安注意上了。The others arrive in Las Vegas, and Roland is eyed by casino security.