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她又问我常常把东西放错地方。Do I often misplace things?

我经常把她本该放起来的东西放错了地方。I often misplace something that she should have put away.

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这些教学大纲可以指导你度过整个学期,不要把它弄丢了。The syllabus will guide you through the entire semester, do not misplace it.

我们其实经常去花力气干一些可以逃避真正责任的事情。We usually misplace our energy to avoid having to take accountability for something.

客人经常误放东西或把他们的个人物品落在房间里。Guests frequently misplace or leave behind their personal possessions in hotel rooms.

互联网同样允许我们在服务器上存储数据,数据不再那么容易损坏或者丢失,我们可以在任何地方访问它们。Digital information is harder to lose, misplace or damage. It can be accessed wherever you are.

你经常会忘记把钥匙放在哪里,或者花十分钟去找已经戴在了鼻梁上的眼镜。You often misplace your keys or spend ten minutes looking for the glasses you're already wearing.

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本文提出了一种利用全景电视系统测量井管错位的新方法。In this paper, new method of measuring misplace of well casing using panoramic TV system is proposed.

白羊座本周注意自身形象的同时,也要留意不要丢三落四。Focus on the image you present to the world. Meanwhile, expect to misplace or lose things. Be mindful.

你是否不知道把钥匙放到哪里去了,是否摇摆于工作与网络之间,是否在和别人谈话时心不在焉?You misplace your keys, waver between work assignments and YouTube, and daydream during conversations.

从表面看它是由修辞接受错位造成的,实质上,它是统治者实现政治目的的策略手段。It causes to misplace to accept by rhetoric on the surface. But, in fact, it is a political tactic means by the ruler.

航行如果不借助地图就不可能实现,而地图上也没留下什么地方可将天堂摆错位置,想象可发挥作用的地方也不多了。It became impossible to sail off the map, there was nowhere left to misplace Paradise and the imagination had less to do.

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例如,如果你不知把遥控器放哪了,没关系,你可以很轻松就找到它了,因为它在互联网上被标记了、定位着。So, for instance, if you misplace your TV remote, you can find it because it is tagged and locatable through the internet.

当人们丢失了或者乱放手机而找不到时,他们会表现出空虚、慌乱,甚至感到悲痛。When people lose or misplace their cell phones, they often report feeling a sense of emptiness, of panic, almost of grieving.

回到那个时间,四十年代,我们深信自己已经被抛弃,注定要跌倒,要掉东西,不长记性,还胡思乱想。Back then, in the forties, we believed we were already forsaken, destined to fall down, drop things, forget, and misplace our minds.

笔记本电脑被盗,和放错了地方发生了很多,和人的第一件事之后,他们没有得到您的计算机尝试破解密码。Laptop theft, and misplace happens a lot, and the first thing someone does after they get your computer is try to crack the password.

你将最终忘记你们互相关系的本质。You will lose the richness and beauty of each moment. You will, in the end, misplace the essence of your relationship with each other.

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通过直观而定量地测量,再经过简便计算就可给出井管错位的宽度,并以实例说明了它在修井中所发挥的作用。The width of misplace is obtained by means of direct-vision method. An example on application to well-restoration is also presented in this paper.

你也知道我忙时桌上的东西会堆成山—我也清楚有时我会把东西放错地方,但所有发下来的备忘录我都会看的。You know how things get piled up on my desk when I am busy—I know that sometimes I do misplace things, but I always read all the memos that go around.

你也知道我忙时桌上的东西会堆成山—我也清楚有时我会把东西放错地方,但所有发下来的备忘录我都会看的。You know how things get piled up on my desk when I am busy- I know that sometimes I do misplace things, but I always read all the memos that go around.