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而这就是怀迪·布杰。and this is Whitey Bulger.

多少人同意比尔•巴尔格的立场?the position of Billy Bulger?

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比利·布杰,对了。比利·布杰是谁?Billy Bulger that's right. Who is Billy Bulger?

有多少人会同意比利·布杰的立场?How many would agree with the position of Billy Bulger?

或者比利·布杰或罗伯特·李,他们当然做了一个选择。or Billy Bulger or Robert E. Lee, of course they make a choice.

巴尔格停顿了一下,但是他含蓄的笑容说明了一切。Bulger paused for a minute. The wry smile on his face said it all.

白佬巴尔杰是美国著名的通缉要犯,这已经是他的故事第二次被搬上大银幕了。Famed crime boss and fugitive Whitey Bulger is getting the big-screen treatment once again.

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格雷格并未涉及上述罪行,但她曾在1997年因窝藏巴尔杰而受到起诉。Greig isn't implicated in those crimes, but was she indicted in 1997 for harboring Mr. Bulger.

詹姆斯。巴尔杰和7岁的朱莉在去伦敦的路上做自杀式人体炸弹的监视片段给人们留下了深深的印象!The video of James Bulger being led away to his death or of the 7 July suicide bombers on their way to London stick in the mind.

几个月后,拉尔夫和他的家人被告知,乔将不被追究罪行。For several months Ralph Bulger and his family were not advised that Jon Venables was being investigated for sexual offences involving children.

队长同志今日对位于安菲尔德附近的詹姆斯·布勒格学校进行了一次特殊的访问。这座学校是为了保护利物浦的儿童而建造的。Steven Gerrard paid a special visit to the James Bulger House in Anfield recently as the unique project to protect the children of Liverpool prepares to become a reality.

但最终,巴格发现离家较近的,经过30秒的公共服务的广告在他的女友凯瑟琳基利集中导致了警方提示,带来了他的门。But in the end, Bulger was found closer to home, after a 30-second public-service ad focusing on his girlfriend Catherine Greig led to a tip that brought the police to his door.