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该和平协议目前正在崩溃的边缘。That deal is now on the verge of collapse.

该公司快要破产了。The company is on the verge of insolvency.

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重型卡车把长草的软质路肩轧坏了。Heavy lorries have damaged the grass verge.

枯叶蝶真是因此而要绝对的绝灭了。The butterfly is on the verge of extinction.

我们徘徊在分手的边缘。Our relationship wason the verge of break up.

这里想对将要退休者提一点箴规。A minordvice for those on the verge of retire.

日本正处在一场非自愿革命的边缘。Japan ison the verge of a reluctant revolution.

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日本正处在一场非自愿革命的边缘。Japan is on the verge of a reluctant revolution.

台湾黑熊处于灭绝的边缘。Formosan black bears are on the verge of extinction.

你把你的钢笔使得都快没尖了。You overworked your pen to the verge of toplessness.

她的车处在被回收的边缘。Her vehicle is now on the verge of being repossessed.

猩猩现在面临着在野外灭绝的境地。Orang are currently on the verge of extinction wildly.

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你觉得纪梵希现在是处在一个突破性进展的边缘吗?Q. Do you think Givenchy is on the verge of a breakthrough?

我们俩沿著长满草的路边开始一起散步。The two of us began walking together along the grass verge.

当时该国正处于对其国际债务违约的边缘。It was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt.

这些动物由于遭到无情的捕猎而濒于灭绝。The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction.

一辆边沿满是灰尘的汽车停在了金妮的前面距离20码的地方。On the dusty verge twenty yards ahead of Ginnie a car pulled up.

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你知道吗?斯佳丽,我看你是到了该大哭一场的边缘了。You know, Scarlett, I think you're on the verge of a crying jag.

卡崔娜还好吗?她看起来好像快要崩溃了。Is Katrina OK? She seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

阿尔巴尼亚处于转变成另一个古巴或北朝鲜的边缘。Albania was on the verge of turning into another Cuba or North Korea.