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滚筒式双层玻璃洗衣机。Double glazing, turbo washing machine.

摩托奶奶家出来的慢,现在该怎么办?Turbo Granny is out of the slow home, now what?

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这是一个四冲程直列增压发动机。It is a four-stroke inline turbo charged engine.

需要一个强力的清醒方法来战胜困倦低迷症?Need to a turbo boost to beat sleepy doldrums pinch?

解决方法是更换涡轮废气旁通阀电磁阀。The solution is to replace the turbo wastegate solenoid valve.

据大卫讲,其实这就是个记忆的事情,跟"大脑高速运行"的看法无关。According to David, it’s all about memory, not turbo perception.

你想添加VX的陆地巡洋舰200的V8涡轮增压柴油到您的篮子?Do you wish to add the Land Cruiser 200 V8 VX Turbo Diesel to your basket?

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那部车的入门级点将是一个1.8升四缸涡轮增压。The entry level point for that car will be a 1.8 liter four-cylinder turbo.

本文以某六缸增压柴油机作为研究对象。This paper take one 6-cylinder turbo charger engine as the research object.

许多新的发动机涡轮增压发动机,该产品采用特殊的2件涡轮头。Many new engines are turbo engines, which feature a special 2-piece turbo head.

1979年,纽曼驾驶他的涡轮增压保时捷获得勒芒拉力赛亚军。Newman went on to race at Le Mans in 1979, placing second in his Turbo Porsche.

这款自动反转机型装备有5段均衡器和双单元驱动耳机。This auto reverse model has a 5-gang equalizer and Nude Twin- Turbo headphones.

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汽轮发电机组提高您的车只是由锚杆支护就特别设计的可选升级零件!Turbo boost your car just by bolting on specially designed optional upgrade parts!

本文得出了一类单偶阶非等比数列乘幻方的构造法并用微机实现它。Also, it describes the algorithm of magic squares and the realization with Turbo C.

他们把我分配到学校的慢班因为我家是拨号上网。They put me in the turbo class at school because I have broadband Internet service.

一款是常用的受称赞的2升柴油动力总成,带增压直喷。One is the generally admired 2-liter diesel power plant, with turbo direct injection.

介绍了汽轮发电机功率限制曲线的制订原则。The drawing up principle of the power limit curve of turbo -generator was introduced.

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阿林加洛沙为这次法国之行包用的飞机已经在机场等候了。Aringarosa had a chartered turbo prop awaiting him here for the short flight to France.

但还是拥有比少用一个类似滞后一个涡轮增压引擎安装。But it would still possess less lag than with a similar engine on a single turbo setup.

它的原生动力涡轮法相比较,一辆保时捷卡宴以小量的价格。It has the raw power to out-perform a Porsche Cayenne Turbo at a fraction of the price.