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一些其他的表亲,他们轮着拥抱了他。Sundry other cousins. They exchange hugs with him.

他曾在各种场跋批评新政策。On sundry occasions he had criticized the new policy.

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木凳、柳条席、碗碟和各式各样的其他物品。Stools wicker mats food bowls and sundry other objects.

管内无毛刺、锈斑、鳞片及其它杂物。Tube without burr, rusty spot, scales and other sundry.

在您付杂费的同时我们要支付这笔费用We defray this charge when you pay your sundry fees bill

忘掉围绕免费信息的各种崇高议论!Forget the lofty rhetoric of free information for all and sundry.

他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。They prepared rice , flour and sundry other items of food for the poor.

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在这里,可以欣赏到各式各样的非遗产品。Here, can enjoy the sundry product that be not involuntary discharge of urine.

日用杂品各大零售批发商店均有出售。Sundry goods for daily use are availaBle at large retail and wholesale stores.

离合器安装前必需清洗干净,去除防锈脂及杂物。Second-ranking clutch before installation must clean, remove rust fat and sundry.

住“干栏”房,楼上住人,楼下关养牲畜和堆置杂物。Live"dry column"room upstairs, downstairs, living close feed cattle and piled up sundry.

他第一个孩子出生的那天,他向所有的人都敬雪茄烟。On the day of the birth of his first child, he was giving cigars away to all and sundry.

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请寄您所登广告中的杂货样品,并附上最低价格和最优惠的条件。Please send me sample of your sundry as advertised, with the lowest price and best term.

但是,像往常一样,安全和其他杂项的费用就得是花纳税人的钱了。But as usual, it'll be taxpayers' money covering security costs and other sundry expenses.

以上之价钱并不包括岸上观光、签证费用、旅游保险及其他个人之消费。Gratuities , shore excursion, visa fee, insurance and any sundry expenses are not included.

重点描述其对不同站场的通用性和在不同场合下的适应性。The paper focuses on its generality for different station and its adaptation in sundry usage.

启动空气瓶、控制用空气瓶、汽笛用空气瓶、杂用空气瓶。Classified as starting, control, air whistle and sundry other air bottle according to function.

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它的台面上可放洗漱用具,下面的柜子还能放杂物。The appliance that wash gargle can be put on its mesa, the cabinet below still can be put sundry.

他也属于那类对从各式各样的事物中得到最大程度的快乐有超强能力的人。He was also one of those with an inordinate capacity for extracting enjoyment from all and sundry.

诺顿把信封装到兜里,安迪走到墙上的保险柜那儿,把账薄和相关文件放进去。Norton pockets the envelopes. Andy crosses to the wall safe and shoves the ledger and sundry files inside.